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OpenGL + Tiny C Compiler: ", expected"

I am working on a program and am using Tiny C Compiler with SDL and OpenGL. TCC doesn't include headers for opengl, so I tried copying them from both Visual C++ and MinGW. Both of them fail to compile with the following error:

v:/exe/tcc/include//GL/gl.h:1081: ',' expected

Line 1081 in both files is:

GLAPI void APIENTRY glVertex4s( GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w );
GLAPI void APIENTRY glVertex2dv( const GLdouble *v ); // <-- line 1081
GLAPI void APIENTRY glVertex2fv( const GLfloat *v );

Expansion for GLAPI:

/* GLAPI, part 1 (use WINGDIAPI, if defined) */
#if defined(__WIN32__) && defined(WINGDIAPI)

/* GLAPI, part 2 */
#if !defined(GLAPI)
#  if defined(_MSC_VER)                        /* Microsoft Visual C++ */
#    define GLAPI __declspec(dllimport)
#  elif defined(__LCC__) && defined(__WIN32__) /* LCC-Win32 */
#    define GLAPI __stdcall
#  else                                        /* Others (e.g. MinGW, Cygwin, non-win32) */
#    define GLAPI extern
#  endif

Expansion for APIENTRY:

#if !defined(APIENTRY)
#  if defined(__WIN32__)
#    define APIENTRY __stdcall
#  else
#    define APIENTRY
#  endif

The only compiler flags I am setting are -b, -g, -Wall, and a few include directories.

Can I have some assistance with this? I will be happy to provide more information if needed.


  • I'm not really sure how I have fixed this. I think it had to do with some of the include directories I was passing. Anyway, problem is gone.