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Fading Colors in a Graph

I have a random graph in R in which one random node is colored red (square) - and all other nodes are colored lighter shades of red relative to their distance from the original node (i.e. based on "degree"):



n_nodes <- 20  
n_edges <- 30 
g <-, n_edges, type = "gnm")

random_red_node <- sample(1:n_nodes, 1)

distances <- distances(g, v = random_red_node, to = V(g))
max_distance <- max(distances)

color_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "white"))(max_distance + 1)

node_colors <- color_palette[distances + 1]
node_colors[random_red_node] <- "red"

node_shapes <- rep("circle", n_nodes)
node_shapes[random_red_node] <- "square"

node_labels <- distances + 1

par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 8), xpd = TRUE)

     vertex.color = node_colors,
     vertex.size = 15,
     vertex.label = node_labels,
     vertex.label.color = "black",
     vertex.shape = node_shapes,
     vertex.frame.color = "black",
     edge.arrow.size = 0.5,
     main = "Network with Distance-Based Node Coloring")

enter image description here

I am trying to change this so that now I can have multiple square nodes of different colors, and the same fading is applied:

enter image description here

The idea is to mimic diffusion of colors such that they create natural boundaries.

Thank you.

Here is a question that might help: How to tell if a point has been colored twice in R?

edit: My approach - this only works for a few nodes and will not work for multiple source nodes of the same color (e.g. multiple reds)

First, I use a function to define the color gradients:



blend_colors <- function(colors, weights) {
    if (length(colors) != length(weights)) stop("")
    rgb_colors <- col2rgb(colors)
    blended <- rowSums(rgb_colors %*% diag(weights)) / sum(weights)
    rgb(blended[1], blended[2], blended[3], maxColorValue = 255)

I then generate a network for the problem:

n_nodes <- 20
n_edges <- 30
g <-, n_edges, type = "gnm")

n_colored_nodes <- 4
colored_nodes <- sample(1:n_nodes, n_colored_nodes)
node_colors <- c("red", "blue", "green", "purple")[1:n_colored_nodes]

The fading is a function of distance, I tried to capture this idea:

distances_list <- lapply(colored_nodes, function(node) {
  distances(g, v = node, to = V(g))
max_distance <- max(unlist(distances_list))
normalized_distances <- lapply(distances_list, function(d) {
  1 - (d / max_distance)

Here is how I call this :

blended_colors <- sapply(1:n_nodes, function(i) {
  weights <- sapply(normalized_distances, function(d) d[i])
  blend_colors(node_colors, weights)

node_shapes <- rep("circle", n_nodes)
node_shapes[colored_nodes] <- "square"

par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 8), xpd = TRUE)

     vertex.color = blended_colors,
     vertex.size = 15,
     vertex.label = NA,
     vertex.shape = node_shapes,
     vertex.frame.color = "black",
     edge.arrow.size = 0.5,
     main = "Network with Multi-Color Diffusion")

legend("topright", inset = c(-0.2, 0), 
       legend = paste("Node", colored_nodes), 
       fill = node_colors, 
       title = "Source Nodes", 
       bty = "n")

enter image description here


  • Not sure what's the big picture here, but I changed the logic a bit:

    • source node colors are fixed and not updated
    • distance calculation through breath-first search starting from source (color) nodes, other source nodes are excluded from each search; this means that source nodes that are only accessible through other source nodes do not contribute anymore, for example in a network 1 - Red - Blue - 2, 1 becomes Red and not 2/3 Red + 1/3 Blue; and 2 becomes Blue
    • color blending with colorjam::blend_colors(), it blends multiple colors and uses alpha values for weights; and as jamba comes as a dependency anyway, jamba::alpha2col() for setting alpha values; colorjam is currently only available from Github, remotes::install_github("jmw86069/colorjam")
    • inverse distance weights for each non-source node sum up to 1, so there should be no issues with different number of source nodes or with multiple source nodes of the same color; this also plays nice with jamba::alpha2col() & colorjam::blend_colors() defaults.
    # remotes::install_github("jmw86069/colorjam")
    library(igraph, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
    blend_colors <- function(colors, weights) {
      colors  <- na.omit(colors)
      weights <- na.omit(weights)
      if (length(colors) != length(weights)) stop("legth mismatch")
      # weights should add to 1, but let's leave some floating point margin
      if (sum(weights) > 1.1) stop("weights sum > 1.1")
      jamba::alpha2col(colors, weights) |> 
    color_g <- function(g, node_colors = c("red", "green", "blue")){
      # named vertices to get named lists and named matrices
      V(g)$name <- V(g)
      # for more convenient source / non-source vertex subsets
      V(g)$src <- FALSE
      # mark a set of length(node_colors) as src nodes, assign input colors
      # V(g)[sample(name, length(node_colors))]$src <- TRUE
      V(g)[sample(V(g), length(node_colors))]$src <- TRUE
      V(g)[ src]$color <- sample(node_colors)
      V(g)[!src]$color <- "white"
      V(g)[ src]$shape <- "square"
      V(g)[!src]$shape <- "circle"
      # breath-first search from each src node, restricted to non-src nodes + itself to
      # find distances without going through other src nodes; -1 == unreachable (not in a restricted list) 
      dist_from_src <- 
          \(v_src) bfs(g, v_src, unreachable = FALSE, restricted = c(v_src, V(g)[!src]), dist = TRUE)$dist
        ) |> = rbind)
      # with 10 nodes, 15 edges, 3 src/color nodes (3:R, 5:G, 9:B):
      #   1 2  3 4  5 6 7 8  9 10
      # 3 2 2  0 1 -1 2 1 1 -1 -1
      # 5 3 2 -1 3  0 1 1 2 -1  1
      # 9 1 2 -1 1 -1 4 3 3  0  1  
      # exclude source node columns, transpose; 
      # with actual colors in column names we can later conveniently 
      # extract named weight vectors
      color_dist <- 
        dist_from_src[, -V(g)[src]] |> 
        `rownames<-`(V(g)[src]$color) |> 
      color_dist[color_dist < 1] <- NA
      inv_dist_color_weights <- (1/color_dist) / rowSums(1/color_dist, na.rm = TRUE)
      # with 10 nodes, 15 edges, 3 colors:
      #     red green blue <- V: 3 5 9
      # 1  0.27  0.18 0.55
      # 2  0.33  0.33 0.33
      # 4  0.43  0.14 0.43
      # 6  0.29  0.57 0.14
      # 7  0.43  0.43 0.14
      # 8  0.55  0.27 0.18
      # 10   NA  0.50 0.50  
      # each row in inv_dist_color_weights matrix is a set of weights, 
      # colors in column names, NA colors did not contribute; 
      # extract named vectors, omit NAs, pass names(colors) and weights 
      # to blend_colors(); update non-source vertices
      V(g)[!src]$color <- 
        apply(inv_dist_color_weights, 1, c, simplify = F) |> 
        lapply(na.omit) |> 
        sapply(\(cw) blend_colors(names(cw), cw))
    n_nodes <- 20
    n_edges <- 30
    g <- sample_gnm(n_nodes, n_edges)
    g_c <- color_g(g, c("red", "blue", "green", "red", "blue"))
      list(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0)),

    Few others:

    g_2 <- color_g(make_tree(n = 33, mode = "undirected"), colorjam::rainbowJam(5, preset = "ryb"))
    g_3 <- color_g(make_lattice(dimvector = c(5,5)), c("red", "red", "gold"))
      list(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0)),

    Created on 2024-09-13 with reprex v2.1.1