I have a FiltersAccordion component to manage table filtering. This component is pretty complex due to the fact that the users must be able to group filters in AND & OR groups. My current file structure is:
: manages the overall "save filters" logic.FiltersBlock
: displays a list of filters grouped by an AND.Filter
: each one of the filters, consists of one or more inputs/selects/checkbox.The goal is that each one of those Filters
can be drag&dropped from a FilterBlock
to another one. The main problem right now is that the "new filter" added to the drop destination block retains all the correct data, but is not reflecting it in the form values in the DOM.
This is the code for the FilterBlock
component. Here filterGroups
is an array of FormGroups which is looped in the <ul>
// filters-block.component.html
*ngFor="let group of filterGroups; let idx = index"
(change)="handleUpdateFilter($event, idx)"
(dragStart)="handleDragStart($event, idx)"
(dragEnd)="handleDragEnd($event, idx)"
// filters-block.component.ts
// * Filters grouped by AND operator
export class FiltersBlockComponent implements OnInit {
@Output() dragStart = new EventEmitter<{ event: DragEvent; item: number }>();
@Output() dragEnd = new EventEmitter<{ event: DragEvent; item: number }>();
@Output() removeBlock = new EventEmitter<void>();
public filterGroups: FormGroup<FilterGroupTO>[];
constructor() {}
ngOnInit() {
this.filterGroups = [
new FormGroup<FilterFormGroupTO>({
checkBox: new FormControl<boolean | null>(false),
field: new FormControl<FilterableColumnsTO | null>(null),
relation: new FormControl<string | null>(''),
value: new FormControl<FilterableColumnsTO | null>(null),
handleUpdateFilter(filter: FilterFormGroupTO, index: number) {
this.filterGroups[index].patchValue(filter as any);
handleRemoveFilter(index: number) {
this.filterGroups.splice(index, 1);
if (this.filterGroups.length === 0) {
handleDragStart(event: DragEvent, index: number) {
this.dragStart.emit({ event, item: index });
handleDragEnd(event: DragEvent, index: number) {
this.dragEnd.emit({ event, item: index });
handleDragOver(event: DragEvent) {
if (event.dataTransfer) event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';
handleDrop(event: DragEvent) {
if (event.dataTransfer) {
const filterData = event.dataTransfer.getData('filter');
const properFilter = JSON.parse(filterData);
const newGroup = new FormGroup<FilterFormGroupTO>({
checkBox: new FormControl<boolean | null>(properFilter.checkBox),
field: new FormControl<FilterableColumnsTO | null>(properFilter.field),
relation: new FormControl<string | null>(properFilter.relation),
value: new FormControl<FilterableColumnsTO | null>(properFilter.value),
The Filter component contains all the form logic and inputs:
*ngFor="let option of filtersColumns"
>{{ option.fieldName }}</option
let option of filterFormGroup.controls['field'].value?.operations;
let i = index
"DIALOGS.FILTERS.RELATION." + option | translate
*ngFor="let option of fieldDistincValues; let i = index"
>{{ option }}</option
[label]="'DIALOGS.FILTERS.CHECKBOX' | translate"
// filter.component.ts
export interface FilterFormGroupTO {
field: FormControl<FilterableColumnsTO | null>;
relation: FormControl<string | null>;
value: FormControl<FilterableColumnsTO | null>;
checkBox: FormControl<boolean | null>;
export class FilterComponent implements OnInit {
@Output() change = new EventEmitter<FilterFormGroupTO>();
@Output() dragStart = new EventEmitter<DragEvent>();
@Output() dragEnd = new EventEmitter<DragEvent>();
@Output() removeFilter = new EventEmitter<void>();
@Input() defaultValues: FormGroup<FilterFormGroupTO>;
// filters
private selectedFilters: FilterTO[] = [];
public availableFilters: Columns[] = [];
// form
public filterFormGroup: FormGroup<FilterFormGroupTO>;
constructor(filtersService: FiltersService) {}
ngOnInit() {
// Initialize form. NOT WORKING
this.filterFormGroup = new FormGroup<FilterFormGroupTO>({
checkBox: new FormControl<boolean | null>(
this.defaultValues.value.checkBox as boolean | null
field: new FormControl<FilterableColumnsTO | null>(
this.defaultValues.value.field as FilterableColumnsTO | null
relation: new FormControl<string | null>(
this.defaultValues.value.relation as string | null
value: new FormControl<FilterableColumnsTO | null>(
this.defaultValues.value.value as FilterableColumnsTO | null
// Patch form values. NOT WORKING
checkBox: this.defaultValues.value.checkBox as boolean | null,
field: this.defaultValues.value.field as FilterableColumnsTO | null,
relation: this.defaultValues.value.relation as string | null,
value: this.defaultValues.value.value as FilterableColumnsTO | null,
// Get available filters
filtersService().subscribe((res) => {
this.availableFilters = res;
// Changes in form listener
this.filterFormGroup.valueChanges.subscribe((value) => {
this.change.emit(value as unknown as FilterFormGroupTO);
handleRemoveFilter() {
handleDragStart(event: DragEvent) {
const fieldValue = this.filterFormGroup.value['field'];
const checkboxValue = Boolean(this.filterFormGroup.value['checkBox']);
const relationValue = this.filterFormGroup.value['relation'];
const valueValue = this.filterFormGroup.value['value'];
const data = {
checkBox: checkboxValue,
field: fieldValue,
relation: relationValue,
value: valueValue,
if (this.enableDrag) {
event.dataTransfer?.setData('filter', JSON.stringify(data));
if (event.dataTransfer) event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move';
handleDragEnd(event: DragEvent) {
if (this.enableDrag) {
if (event.dataTransfer?.dropEffect === 'move') {
As I pointed out, the ngOnInit
of the Filter
component does does carry the correct data when I log it. Even when I console.log(this.filterFormGroup)
I'm getting the correct values. Why are they not being rendered in the DOM?
Am I approaching this the wrong way? I'm new to Angular forms and this is the best I could manage. Thanks.
Since you mentioned that FilterComponent
is the child component and the form is not being initialized when a filter is dragged & dropped, that's because the form creation you have is handled on ngOnInit
lifecycle hook.
You have to keep in mind that this hook runs exactly once, if there are further changes coming to the child component from a parent component and you want to handle some logic (in this case, re-populate the form), ngOnInit
will not care.
There are multiple ways to handle this, one way could be using ngOnChanges
along with ChangeStrategy.onPush
like the following example:
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class ChildComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
@Input() userData!: User;
protected form!: FormGroup<UserForm>();
ngOnInit() {
// some other logic...
ngOnChanges() {
private _initForm(): void {
this.form = new FormGroup<UserForm>({
name = new FormControl<string | null>(this.userData?.name || null),
address = new FormControl<string | null>(this.userData?.addr || null)
Each time userData
is updated with new values (even the first time), ngOnChanges
will detect it and you can handle the form creation and initialization.
This approach is usually used for a master/detail UI design (at least on my experience) and I think is the same design that you have for your FilterBlock