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Module: how to include named module from Public folder?

I've created a module in my UE5 game, called MinimapSystem and structured it like this (this is inside my game's Source folder):

    │   └───MinimapSubsystem.cpp

Here's the contents of my MinimapSystem.Build.cs file:

using UnrealBuildTool;

public class MinimapSystem : ModuleRules
    public MinimapSystem(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
        PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[]

This imitates what I see in the core UE5 module structure, and when I include one of those modules, I don't need to specify the Public/ part of the path, i.e.

#include "GeometryCollection/GeometryCollectionActor.h"

So, in my game, I try the same thing with my module:

#include "MinimapSystem/MinimapSubsystem.h"

But this throws a fatal error when I try to compile:

fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'MinimapSystem/MinimapSubsystem.h': No such file or directory

The only way to compile my game is if I specify the Public/ folder like this:

#include "MinimapSystem/Public/MinimapSubsystem.h"

I have added my module to MyGame.Build.cs like this:

        PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[]

How do I include my module by its name from the Public folder?


  • The solution is to structure the module like this:

        │   └───MinimapSubsystem
        │       └───MinimapSubsystem.cpp

    This emulates the actual structure of i.e. the GeometryCollection module. Now, I can include my module like:

    #include "MinimapSystem/MinimapSubsystem.h"