The aim of my code is to take a users height in cm and convert is to feet and inches in the form f'i. when running the code, it results in anything using the feet and inches variables giving 0. I have a feeling the solution is really simple and I just can't see it. btw I am new to coding so keep that in mind please (I won't understand technical stuff).
I tried some of the solutions people gave online, most notably using %, to get the remainder of dividing something, however changing the variable type to int messes stuff up and results in a height of several thousand feet, despite a height in cm of 190. here is the code:
/*cent_to_feet.c -- converts a user's height in centimetres to feet and inches*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void)
float centimetres;// feet are inches/12, take the leftover and thats the inches
int inches = centimetres/3;
float leftoverinches = inches%12;
printf("What is your height in centimetres?\n");
printf("Enter here:_____\b\b\b\b\b");//user enters height in cm
scanf("%f", ¢imetres);//takes user data and denotes it 'cm'
if (centimetres < 180){
printf("Below 180 centimeters ");
else {
printf("Wow thats pretty tall!\n That's %.0f feet and %.0f inches", centimetres/30.48, leftoverinches);
printf("\nIn any case, you're %.0f'%d", centimetres/30.48, leftoverinches);
return 0;
C code is executed from the top to the bottom, like when reading a book. Simplified, each statement is executed at the point when it is "read" by the processor. All values of the variables involved are used at that point in time.
So when you execute inches = centimetres/3;
, the centimetres
has not yet been initialized and therefore contains "garbage". That you write to centimetres
later on in the scanf statement doesn't matter, the code doing the calculation has already executed. The program won't somehow magically rewind and execute the code again.
Expressions in C signify calculations, not relations. inches = centimetres/3
does not mean that the variable inches
is always centimetres/3
. Rather it means "divide the value of centimetres
by 3 then store the result in inches
The majority of all other programming languages behaves the same.