Search code examples

More efficient way to loop through lines and duplicate if a certain character is found

I have around 3K rows of data imported from Microsoft Planner.

In the column "Assigned to", there are lines that contain strings like: "Employee A; Employee B; Employee C".
I want to find these lines and duplicate them so that they become (in this example) three lines: "Employee A" "Employee B" "Employee C".
The content of every other column is duplicated.

What I came up takes around 2-3 minutes to complete. There are approximately 3K rows at the start and I end up with 7K rows.

'How many rows have multiple employees assigned?
lNbLignes = tbl1lpEmploye.ListColumns("Nom du compartiment").DataBodyRange.End(xlDown).Row 'Total number of rows
iColonne = tbl1lpEmploye.ListColumns("Assigned to").DataBodyRange.Column 'Column that contains the assignments

iCompteur = 0
'Count the number of rows that contain ";" in "Assigned to" and thus need to be duplicated
For I = 2 To lNbLignes
    If InStr(ws1lpEmploye.Cells(I, iColonne).Value, ";") <> 0 Then
        iCompteur = iCompteur + (Len(ws1lpEmploye.Cells(I, iColonne).Value) - Len(Replace(ws1lpEmploye.Cells(I, iColonne).Value, ";", "")))
    End If
Next I

'Duplicate rows with multiples assignments
iColonne = tbl1lpEmploye.ListColumns("Assigned to").DataBodyRange.Column
For I = 2 To (lNbLignes + iCompteur) 'Number of rows + number of rows with ";" in "Assigned to"
    iPosition = InStr(ws1lpEmploye.Cells(I, iColonne).Value, ";") '"Employee A; Employee B; Employee C"
    If iPosition <> 0 Then
        With ws1lpEmploye
            .Rows(I + 1).Insert 'Add a news row
            .Cells(I + 1, iColonne).Value2 = Mid(.Cells(I, iColonne).Value2, iPosition + 1) 'Add the name following the character ";" in the new row I+1
            .Cells(I, iColonne).Value2 = Left(.Cells(I, iColonne).Value2, iPosition - 1) 'Keep the previous name in row I
            'At this point, RowI: "Employee A"
            'Row I+1: "Employee B;Employee C". The loop will continue at I+1, so the next lines that will be looked at is this one
            For j = 1 To tbl1lpEmploye.ListColumns.Count 'Copy the content of every other column in I+1
                Select Case j
                    Case iColonne
                        'Don't do anything to the "Assigned to" column
                    Case Else
                        .Cells(I + 1, j).Value2 = .Cells(I, j).Value2 '
                End Select
             Next j
        End With
    End If
Next I

Is there a way to do this in an array and then transfer the results to the original Excel table, that would be quicker?


    • Reading and writing cells on a worksheet can be time-consuming. A more efficient approach is to load the data into an array.

    Microsoft documentation:

    Range.Resize property (Excel)

    Split function

    ListObject.DataBodyRange property (Excel)

        Set tbl1lpEmploye = Sheet1.ListObjects(1) ' for testing
        'How many rows have multiple employees assigned?
        iColonne = tbl1lpEmploye.ListColumns("Assigned to").Index 'Column index that contains the assignments
        Dim arrData, arrRes, iC As Long, ColCnt As Long, aStr, vStr
        ' load table into an array
        arrData = tbl1lpEmploye.DataBodyRange.Value
        ColCnt = UBound(arrData, 2)
        iCompteur = 0
        'Count the number of rows in output
        For I = 1 To UBound(arrData)
            iCompteur = iCompteur + UBound(Split(arrData(I, iColonne), ";")) + 1
        Next I
        ReDim arrRes(1 To iCompteur, 1 To ColCnt)
        'Duplicate rows with multiples assignments
        iCompteur = 0
        ' loop through table rows
        For I = 1 To UBound(arrData)
            ' split "Assigned to"
            aStr = Split(arrData(I, iColonne), ";")
            ' dubplicate rwos
            For Each vStr In aStr
                iCompteur = iCompteur + 1
                For iC = 1 To ColCnt
                    If iC = iColonne Then
                        arrRes(iCompteur, iC) = vStr
                        arrRes(iCompteur, iC) = arrData(I, iC)
                    End If
                Next iC
        Next I
        ' write output to sheet
        tbl1lpEmploye.DataBodyRange.Cells(1).Resize(iCompteur, ColCnt).Value = arrRes

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