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Angular Material Theme style not working after upgrade to Angular v18

I am trying to update my application from v16 - v17 then v18. In both case 17 and 18 I find that material theme css is not working. Components such as sidepanel, button, dropdowns etc doesn't have background colors.

In v16 I am importing

@import '@angular/material/theming';

But after upgrade its asking me to remove above line.

I still have custom material plattes.

@use '@angular/material' as mat;
@include mat.core();

/* ======== Angular material custom themes ======== */ 
    50: #e6f7eb,
    100: #c3eace,
    200: #9bdcae,
    300: #70cf8e,
    400: #4bc475,
    500: #1ab95c,
    600: #0daa52,
    700: #009746,
    800: #00863b,
    900: #006626,
    A100: #c6eac0,
    A200: #9fdc97,
    A400: #52c447,
    A700: #009700,
    contrast: (
      50: rgba(black, 0.87),
      100: rgba(black, 0.87),
      200: rgba(black, 0.87),
      300: rgba(black, 0.87),
      400: rgba(black, 0.87),
      500: white,
      600: white,
      700: white,
      800: white,
      900: white,
      A100: rgba(black, 0.87),
      A200: rgba(black, 0.87),
      A400: white,
      A700: white,
$main-custom-primary: mat.define-palette($primary-palette, 500, 300, 900);
$main-custom-accent:  mat.define-palette($mat-pink, 100, 500, A100);
$main-custom-warn:  mat.define-palette($mat-red,900);
$main-theme: mat.define-light-theme((
  color: (
    primary: $main-custom-primary,
    accent: $main-custom-accent,
    warn: $main-custom-warn,
  typography: mat.define-typography-config(
    $font-family: '"Inter", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif',
    $body-1: mat.define-typography-level(
      $font-size: 14px,
      $line-height: 1.5,
@include mat.all-component-themes($main-theme);

Upon inspecting I see that the variables are not working.

background-color: var(--mat-select-panel-background-color, var(--mat-app-surface-container));

enter image description here

Its same with sidepanel


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In v16 I could see these variables

enter image description here

But its missing in v17-v18

Any idea why my theme is not working ?


  • I see there is a new way we can use custom theme. I could modify existing theme variables and able to achive without using any pre built theme.

    @use '@angular/material' as mat;
    // output from @debug matx.$m3-azure-palette
    $my-m3-colours: (
      0: #e6f7eb,
      10: #272727,
      20: #9bdcae,
      25: #70cf8e,
      30: #4bc475,
      35: #1ab95c,
      40: #0daa52,
      50: #009746,
      60: #00863b,
      70: #006626,
      80: #c6eac0,
      90: #9fdc97,
      95: #52c447,
      98: #009700,
      99: #ffffff,
      100: #ffffff,
      secondary: (
        0: #000000,
        10: #131c2b,
        20: #283041,
        25: #333c4d,
        30: #3e4759,
        35: #4a5365,
        40: #565e71,
        50: #6f778b,
        60: #8891a5,
        70: #a3abc0,
        80: #bec6dc,
        90: #9bdcae,
        95: #ecf0ff,
        98: #f9f9ff,
        99: #ffffff,
        100: #ffffff,
      neutral: (
        0: #000000,
        10: #1a1b1f,
        20: #2f3033,
        25: #3b3b3f,
        30: #46464a,
        35: #525256,
        40: #5e5e62,
        50: #77777a,
        60: #919094,
        70: #ababaf,
        80: #c7c6ca,
        90: #e3e2e6,
        95: #f2f0f4,
        98: #faf9fd,
        99: #ffffff,
        100: #ffffff,
        4: #0a0b0c,
        6: #101013,
        12: #1e1f23,
        17: #292a2d,
        22: #343438,
        24: #39393d,
        87: #dbdade,
        92: #e9e8ec,
        94: #ffffff,
        96: #ffffff,
      neutral-variant: (
        0: #000000,
        10: #181c22,
        20: #2d3038,
        25: #383b43,
        30: #44474e,
        35: #4f525a,
        40: #5b5e66,
        50: #74777f,
        60: #8e9099,
        70: #a9abb4,
        80: #c4c6d0,
        90: #e0e2ec,
        95: #eff0fa,
        98: #f9f9ff,
        99: #ffffff,
        100: #ffffff,
      error: (
        0: #000000,
        10: #410002,
        20: #690005,
        25: #7e0007,
        30: #93000a,
        35: #a80710,
        40: #ba1a1a,
        50: #de3730,
        60: #ff5449,
        70: #ff897d,
        80: #ffb4ab,
        90: #ffdad6,
        95: #ffedea,
        98: #fff8f7,
        99: #fffbff,
        100: #ffffff,
    $theme: mat.define-theme((
      color: (
        theme-type: light,
        primary: $my-m3-colours,
        tertiary: mat.$blue-palette,
    body {
      @include mat.all-component-themes($theme);
    @include mat.core();
    @include mat.color-variants-backwards-compatibility($theme);