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Excel VBA Dialog box hiding some values

Below is part of the code I found that will list down all the sheets I have in the workbook as an option for the user to select and will assign the selected worksheet to ws2. Is it possible for me to hide/not show some of the sheets as an option for the user? Example: I have Sheet1 to Sheet10, when the dialog box display it will only show Sheet1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10.

        Const ColItems  As Long = 20
        Const LetterWidth As Long = 20
        Const HeightRowz As Long = 30
        Const SheetID As String = "__SheetSelection"
        Dim Y%, TopPos%, iSet%, optCols%, intLetters%, optMaxChars%, optLeft%
        Dim wsDlg As DialogSheet, objOpt As OptionButton, optCaption$, objSheet As Object
        optCaption = "": Y = 0
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        On Error Resume Next
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        Set wsDlg = ActiveWorkbook.DialogSheets.Add
        With wsDlg
            .Name = SheetID
            .Visible = xlSheetHidden
            iSet = 0: optCols = 0: optMaxChars = 0: optLeft = 100: TopPos = 40
            For Each objSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
                If objSheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible Then
                    Y = Y + 1
                    If Y Mod ColItems = 1 Then
                        optCols = optCols + 1
                        TopPos = 45
                        optLeft = optLeft + (optMaxChars * LetterWidth)
                        optMaxChars = 0
                    End If
                    intLetters = Len(objSheet.Name)
                    If intLetters > optMaxChars Then optMaxChars = intLetters
                        iSet = iSet + 1
                        .OptionButtons.Add optLeft, TopPos, intLetters * LetterWidth, 16
                        .OptionButtons(iSet).Text = objSheet.Name
                        TopPos = TopPos + 15
                    End If
            Next objSheet
            If Y > 0 Then
                '.Buttons.Left = optLeft + (optMaxChars * LetterWidth) + 24
                With .DialogFrame
                .Height = Application.Max(80, WorksheetFunction.Min(iSet, ColItems) * HeightRowz + 10)
                .Width = optLeft + (optMaxChars * LetterWidth)
                .Caption = "Select sheet"
                End With
                .Buttons("Button 2").BringToFront
                .Buttons("Button 3").BringToFront
                'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
                If .Show = True Then
                    For Each objOpt In wsDlg.OptionButtons
                        If objOpt.Value = xlOn Then
                            optCaption = objOpt.Caption
                        ElseIf objOpt.Value = "General" Then
                        optCaption = ""
                    Exit For
                End If
                Next objOpt
            End If
            If optCaption = "" Then
                'Or optCaption = "Sheet2"
                MsgBox "You did not select a worksheet.", 48, "Cannot continue"
                If .Show = True Then
                    For Each objOpt In wsDlg.OptionButtons
                        If objOpt.Value = xlOn Then
                            optCaption = objOpt.Caption
                        ElseIf objOpt.Value = "General" Then
                            optCaption = ""
                    Exit For
                End If
                Next objOpt
            End If
            ElseIf optCaption = "Sheet1" Or optCaption = "Sheet2" Or optCaption = "Sheet6" Or optCaption = "Sheet7" Then
                MsgBox "Invalid", 48, "Cannot Continue"
            Exit Sub
            Set ws2 = Worksheets(optCaption)
            End If
            End If
        End With

Making changes to this part of the code works but not sure if it is effective.

            For Each objSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
                If objSheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible Then
                    Y = Y + 1
                    If objSheet.Name <> "Sheet1" And objSheet.Name <> "Sheet2" And objSheet.Name <> "Sheet6" And objSheet.Name <> "Sheet7" Then
                        If Y Mod ColItems = 1 Then
                            optCols = optCols + 1
                            TopPos = 45
                            optLeft = optLeft + (optMaxChars * LetterWidth)
                            optMaxChars = 0
                        End If
                        intLetters = Len(objSheet.Name)
                        If intLetters > optMaxChars Then optMaxChars = intLetters
                            iSet = iSet + 1
                            .OptionButtons.Add optLeft, TopPos, intLetters * LetterWidth, 16
                            .OptionButtons(iSet).Text = objSheet.Name
                            TopPos = TopPos + 15
                        End If
                    End If
            Next objSheet


  • Firstly, please repair the code as it is taking in consideration my above comment suggestions. Besides End With it also needs an End If code line.

    Now, in order to iterate between a limited group of sheets there are more possibilities. To make a simple example I will firstly try using your construction, respectively:

    Sub originalIterationWay()
       Dim objSheet As Object
       For Each objSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
            If objSheet.Name <> "Sheet1" And objSheet.Name <> "Sheet4" Then 'except these sheets
                Debug.Print objSheet.Name
            End If
       Next objSheet
    End Sub

    Such a way is feasible if there are not many sheets and you need to exclude a limited number of them.

    When there are a lot of sheets on the workbook and you need to iterate between a limited number of them you can try the next ways:

    1. Place the respective sheets names in an array and iterate only between these one:
    Sub playWithSheetNamesArray()
      Dim arrSh: arrSh = Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet5", "Sheet7")
        Dim objSheet As Object
        For Each objSheet In Worksheets(arrSh)
           Debug.Print objSheet.Name
        Next objSheet
    End Sub

    You need to load in the array the real name of the sheets you need to iterate between.

    1. You can place in an array the sheets needed to be iterated index:
    Sub playWithSheetsIndexesArray()
      Dim arrSh: arrSh = Array(1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10)
        Dim objSheet As Object
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 0 To UBound(arrSh)
           Set objSheet = Worksheets(arrSh(i))
           Debug.Print objSheet.Name
        Next i
    End Sub

    In this case you can use the sheets indexes (their position, starting with one), independent of their name. I mean, if you will name "Sheet1" as "My First Sheet", it will return/use "My First Sheet" sheet.

    Please, send some feedback after testing it. If something not clar enough, do not hesitate to ask for clarifications...