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MS Access Expression Builder Value from another Table

I have two tables - tblMain and tblConstants. I want a column in tblMain that references a value in tblConstants, but expression builder doesn't allow it.

Example Data:


 ID*  | dblLength | tblOverall
 1    | 100       | {expression}


 Name*      | Val
 dblSample  | 100

Sample expression:

[dblLength] + [tblConstants].[dblSample]

But this results in the following error:

Warning message: The expression cannot be saved because it referes to another table.

All my searching has found that I could create relationships between the tables, but this requires me to duplicate the constants as columns in tblMain.

Is there a neater way to do this?


  • Then use a query. Apart from very special cases, avoid calculated fields.

    In a select query, you can perform all sorts of calculations using fields from a single table or a set of joined tables.