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Weka 3.8.6 Java Heap Size Problem on Mac. VMOptions modification in Info.plist didn't work

I read the questions about Weka Java Heap Space Problem, but they couldn't solve my problem. I modified Info.plist file like

<key>VMOptions</key> <string>-Xmx16384</string>

I have a huge dataset, that's why I need at least 10GB memory. Because I have 38GB RAM (McBook Pro M3 Processor) I would like to increase the heap size to 16 GB. When I started GUI Chooser I still see this info: enter image description here

I also tried to open Info.plist. I had this error message:

(base) hurolturen@Hurols-MBP Contents % open Info.plist No application knows how to open URL file:///Applications/ (Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10814 "kLSApplicationNotFoundErr: E.g. no application claims the file" UserInfo={_LSLine=1741, _LSFunction=runEvaluator}). (base) hurolturen@Hurols-MBP Contents % vim Info.plist Can anyone help me please?

I tried to modify Info.plist to adjust the Java Heap Size to 16 GB but it is still 9 GB which is not enough for me. I also changed the Heap Size of the whole system to 16 GB but it didn't work either.


  • I'm on Linux, so not familiar with the Mac intricacies...

    If you want the highest level of control over your JVM, open a bash terminal, navigate to the directory where your weka.jar is located and then run this using Java 11:

    java -Xmx16g -jar weka.jar

    Rather than supplying the heap size via parameter to the JVM, you can also do that via the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. See also this article on the Weka wiki.