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Reentrant lock acquires (locks) by more than one thread

Python v3.10

  • the RLock (reentral) lock in Python is a thread aware lock that can be unlocked by only one thread at the time (has other benefits, but that's off topic in this test)
  • the expected behavior in the below example: we have 3 threads, only one of them should be able to acquire (unlock) the RLock, but more than one acquires the same RLock when there's no work in the thread

Unexpected behavior:

import threading 

lock = threading.RLock()

def th(name):
    print( f"{name} tread started")
    print( f"{name} tread end")

th1 = threading.Thread(target=th, args=[1])
th2 = threading.Thread(target=th, args=[2])
th3 = threading.Thread(target=th, args=[3])


Output ->

1 tread started
1 tread end
2 tread started
2 tread end
3 tread started
3 tread end

We can clearly see that all 3 threads unlocks the RLock (sometimes 2 sometimes 3)

Expected behavior:

import threading 
import time

lock = threading.RLock()

def th(name):
    print( f"{name} tread started")
    time.sleep(0.1)       # simulating some work

    print( f"{name} tread end")

th1 = threading.Thread(target=th, args=[1])
th2 = threading.Thread(target=th, args=[2])
th3 = threading.Thread(target=th, args=[3])


Output ->

1 tread started
2 tread started
3 tread started
1 tread end

When there's some work the RLock does its thing (acquired by thread1 and block thread2 and thread3 untill thread1 releases the RLock) I tired this with loops too, but it seems when there's no or very little work in threads the RLock acquired by multiple threads

  • Is this a bug? or am I doing wrong something?


  • I think an answer by @pmod currently marked as a "solution" is not accurate in multiple ways, so I want to attempt correcting it. Experiment conducted there also does not prove the theory, but works coincidentally.

    lock is released when thread is destroyed

    It is not the case and can be demonstrated by the following experiment.

    from threading import Thread, RLock, get_ident
    import time
    import datetime
    lock = RLock()
    def print2(msg):
        print('[%s][%s] %s' % (, get_ident(), msg))
    def work():
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        t1 = Thread(target=work)
        t2 = Thread(target=work)

    The output will be something like below and the program will never finish.

    [2024-08-29 21:41:20.799172][127474860033600] start
    [2024-08-29 21:41:20.802444][127474849547840] start
    [2024-08-29 21:41:21.802138][127474860033600] done

    It means that one of the thread has finished, however second thread did not take ownership of the RLock.

    Now to what is really happening in the original snippet. If we take a closer look to how RLock is implemented we will be able to answer that question.

    In the source code we see that in order to track (record and then be able to check) owner of the lock RLock uses threading.get_ident() function. Given RLock implements "reentrant" lock semantic, thread on which get_ident happen to return same value as it was used when lock was first acquired will be allowed to pass subsequent acquire invocation. It will be considered a recursive acquire and recursion counter will be increased.

    Let's check the documentation and see what threading.get_ident() actually is.

    Return the ‘thread identifier’ of the current thread. This is a nonzero integer. Its value has no direct meaning; it is intended as a magic cookie to be used e.g. to index a dictionary of thread-specific data. Thread identifiers may be recycled when a thread exits and another thread is created.

    The last sentence is crucial here. Basically get_ident returns some identifier of the Python logical thread which can be used to identify thread among other alive thread. However, as soon as thread completes its work the identifier can be recycled and reused. For RLock it means that if Thread that acquired the lock happens to finish w/o releasing the lock chances are its assigned thread identity will be reused by another thread, and so subsequent acquire calls from such threads will be granted.

    Here is a test with some useful output:

    from threading import Thread, RLock, get_ident, get_native_id
    import datetime
    lock = RLock()
    def print2(msg):
        print('[%s][%s][%s] %s' % (
  , get_ident(), get_native_id(), msg))
    def work():
        print2('done, %s' % lock)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        threads = []
        for idx in range(5):
            t = Thread(target=work)
        print2('waiting for threads to join...')
        for t in threads:
    [2024-08-29 22:01:13.019496][126592235865664][10515] start
    [2024-08-29 22:01:13.019580][126592235865664][10515] done, <locked _thread.RLock object owner=126592235865664 count=1 at 0x73228dd489c0>
    [2024-08-29 22:01:13.020065][126592225379904][10516] start
    [2024-08-29 22:01:13.020381][126592235865664][10517] start
    [2024-08-29 22:01:13.020394][126592235865664][10517] done, <locked _thread.RLock object owner=126592235865664 count=2 at 0x73228dd489c0>
    [2024-08-29 22:01:13.020672][126592235865664][10518] start
    [2024-08-29 22:01:13.020684][126592235865664][10518] done, <locked _thread.RLock object owner=126592235865664 count=3 at 0x73228dd489c0>
    [2024-08-29 22:01:13.020857][126592235865664][10519] start
    [2024-08-29 22:01:13.020869][126592235865664][10519] done, <locked _thread.RLock object owner=126592235865664 count=4 at 0x73228dd489c0>
    [2024-08-29 22:01:13.020904][126592257781760][10514] waiting for threads to join...

    Notice how every time we have our RLock granted we see the same get_ident result and also we see RLock recursion count growing.

    This is also quite platform specific, for instance, on Windows the same test does not reproduce the behavior as get_ident does not immediately return the values used by the finished thread. For example, here is output from Windows environment (notice also that get_ident and get_native_id are the same):

    [2024-08-29 22:04:32.838318][10164][10164] start
    [2024-08-29 22:04:32.839277][10164][10164] done, <locked _thread.RLock object owner=10164 count=1 at 0x000002B332E63DC0>
    [2024-08-29 22:04:32.839277][12608][12608] start
    [2024-08-29 22:04:32.839277][20084][20084] start
    [2024-08-29 22:04:32.839277][20688][20688] start
    [2024-08-29 22:04:32.839277][18112][18112] start
    [2024-08-29 22:04:32.839277][15948][15948] waiting for threads to join...