I tried importing the statsmodel in jupyter notebook. It showed the error that the module was not found. I searched on this site and on the net in general and tried a few options but to no avail. I tried installing pip and conda in Anaconda prompt and Jupyter Notebook. I am not a regular developer so forgive me if I missed something obvious. I have attached the images of the errors for better understanding. My Python is 3.7.4 version.
Image 1 - Anaconda Prompt pip and conda install attempts Image 2 - Statsmodel showing up in pip list command Image 3 - Conda Jupyter Notebook Install Error Image 4 - Pip Jupyter Notebook Install Error Image 5 - Statsmodel folder in Anaconda3>Lib>Site-Packages
Try pip install statsmodels
instead of pip install statsmodel
The reason you are getting these errors is because you are trying to install a package which does not exist.
Also in order to test whether the installation went successfully: import statsmodels