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Build failed: java: java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid CEN header (invalid zip64 extra data field size)

I am trying to implement the Zuul gateway however, after adding this dependency I'm getting a build error for SpringBoot 2.2.6.

Here's the dependency I added.


Error Message:

java: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error reading file C:\Users\farheen.saif.shaikh\.m2\repository\org\aspectj\aspectjweaver\1.8.6\aspectjweaver-1.8.6.jar: Invalid CEN header (invalid zip64 extra data field size)

For some reason, I checked other solutions but no help. I tried deleting and adding dependency back. However it didn't work, please advise.


  • The trick is to download the latest aspectj from and then place the jar in the existing .m2\repository\org\aspectj\aspectjweaver\1.8.6 location, replacing aspectjweaver-1.8.9.jar but KEEPING IT'S NAME. This'll run the latest aspectjweaver but think it's still 1.8.9.

    Until the parent dependencies that download 1.8.9 get updated to use a newer aspectj, you're stuck working around it :(