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How does one remove an infinite issues/vulnerabilities loop while setting up a react app/project?

I've just started a React project using npx create-react-app project. This installs all the relevant files and dependencies required for a react project but there were some vulnerabilities identified :

      162 vulnerabilities (1 low, 122 moderate, 36 high, 3 critical)

      To address issues that do not require attention, run:     
        npm audit fix

      To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:  
        npm audit fix --force 

However, upon running npm audit fix --force they still raised the following:

      8 vulnerabilities (2 moderate, 6 high)

      To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:  
        npm audit fix --force

Upon running npm audit fix --force again, I'm right back to where I'm started, with:

      162 vulnerabilities (1 low, 122 moderate, 36 high, 3 critical)

      To address issues that do not require attention, run:     
        npm audit fix

      To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:  
        npm audit fix --force 

Is there a way to permanently remove all vulnerabilities or do I just have to live with 8 vulnerabilities instead of 162?

P.S.: I currently have Node.js v21.1.0 and npm v10.2.0. And this project is supposed to be a e-commerce website for an actual business that will have to handle payments so preferably, I don't want it to break due to some vulnerabilities if I could help it.


  • As mentioned by nbokmans:

    In 2023, the Create React App tool was deprecated, which means that it was no longer being maintained. Create React App has been the go-to way to make a new React project, but it's been dethroned by a number of different alternatives.

    Vite is an alternative:
    npm create vite@latest my-react-app -- --template react

    You can read more about it and see other alternatives here: