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Filter rows inside window function in Python Polars?

I need to compute the Herfindahl–Hirschman index ("HHI", the sum of squared market shares) but leaving out the firm represented in the row. Here's an example:

df = (pl.DataFrame({
    'year':(2023, 2023, 2023, 2024, 2024, 2024),
    'firm':('A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C'),
    'volume':(20, 50, 3, 25, 13, 5)
    sum = pl.col('volume').sum().over('year'),
    leaveout_sum = (pl.col('volume').sum().over('year'))-(pl.col('volume'))
    share = (pl.col('volume')/pl.col('sum'))*100
    hhi = (pl.col('share')**2).sum().over('year').round()

Which gives:

│ year ┆ firm ┆ volume ┆ sum ┆ leaveout_sum ┆ share     ┆ hhi    │
│ ---  ┆ ---  ┆ ---    ┆ --- ┆ ---          ┆ ---       ┆ ---    │
│ i64  ┆ str  ┆ i64    ┆ i64 ┆ i64          ┆ f64       ┆ f64    │
│ 2023 ┆ A    ┆ 20     ┆ 73  ┆ 53           ┆ 27.39726  ┆ 5459.0 │
│ 2023 ┆ B    ┆ 50     ┆ 73  ┆ 23           ┆ 68.493151 ┆ 5459.0 │
│ 2023 ┆ C    ┆ 3      ┆ 73  ┆ 70           ┆ 4.109589  ┆ 5459.0 │
│ 2024 ┆ A    ┆ 25     ┆ 43  ┆ 18           ┆ 58.139535 ┆ 4429.0 │
│ 2024 ┆ B    ┆ 13     ┆ 43  ┆ 30           ┆ 30.232558 ┆ 4429.0 │
│ 2024 ┆ C    ┆ 5      ┆ 43  ┆ 38           ┆ 11.627907 ┆ 4429.0 │

The hhi column there is the normal HHI index, including all firms in the market, and I can compute the "leaveout" volume summation to get the sum of volumes of the other firms in that year. For example, the leaveout-HHI for firm A in 2023 would be the square of 3/53 plus the square of 50/53 (i.e., the squares of the market shares of firms B and C assuming firm A didn't exist).

How do I tell polars to do this? Is there a way to filter the window function, perhaps?

My real dataset includes almost 800 firms over 204 months for 500 separate markets, so doing this manually is out of the question.


  • You can take out the denominator from the sum of squares:

        leaveout_sum = (pl.col.volume.sum().over('year')) - pl.col.volume,
        leaveout_sum_of_sq = (pl.col.volume**2).sum().over('year') - pl.col.volume**2
        leaveout_hhi = pl.col.leaveout_sum_of_sq / pl.col.leaveout_sum**2

    I left out the * 100 factor, the above correctly computes (3/53)^2 + (50/53)^2 for your example by doing (3^2 + 50^2) / (50 + 3)^2.