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Using a type variable at the term level

Consider the following GADT, Pin:

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, DataKinds #-}

module Mcu where

import Data.Kind (Type)
import GHC.Num.Natural (Natural)

data Pin :: Natural -> Type where
  RedLED :: Pin 0
  GreenLED :: Pin 1
  Buzzer :: Pin 2

I would like to know at the term level what the type variable n (of kind Natural) is:

pinOf :: Pin n -> Natural

The following attempt:

pinOf :: Pin n -> Natural
pinOf _ = n

Results in error:

Variable not in scope: n :: Natural

Enabling ScopedTypeVariables and using forall doesn't work either:

pinOf :: forall n. Pin n -> Natural
pinOf _ = n

This results in the error:

Illegal term-level use of the type variable n


  • Use natVal:

    {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
    module Main(main) where
    import Data.Kind (Type)
    import GHC.TypeNats
    data Pin :: Natural -> Type where
      RedLED   :: Pin 0
      GreenLED :: Pin 1
      Buzzer   :: Pin 2
    pinOf :: KnownNat n => Pin n -> Natural
    pinOf = natVal
    main :: IO ()
    main = do print (pinOf RedLED)
              print (pinOf GreenLED)
              print (pinOf Buzzer)

    This prints:
