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Gradle run: getClass().getClassLoader().getResource() return Null

I'm trying to import a file to use in my simple Java project, I'm currently using IntelliJ as IDEE and Gradle to build the project.


When I try to check if the program load the resources using URL url = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(filePath); function, passing "src/main/resources/File" as argument, it work fine, as I build the application (using Gradle) and run it via IntelliJ. However, when I try to get it work with grade run via terminal, the task FAIL because it can't find the resource file, as the function return Null. Here is my path tree:

├── build
│   ├── classes
│   │   └── java
│   │       └── main
│   │           └── it
│   │               └── uni
│   │                   └── cs
│   │                       └── name
│   │                           └── progettofinaledatemplate
│   │                               ├── controller
│   │                               ├── models
│   │                               └── view
│   ├── distributions
│   ├── generated
│   │   └── sources
│   │       ├── annotationProcessor
│   │       │   └── java
│   │       │       └── main
│   │       └── headers
│   │           └── java
│   │               └── main
│   ├── libs
│   ├── resources
│   │   └── main
│   │       └── it
│   │           └── uni
│   │               └── cs
│   │                   └── name
│   │                       └── progettofinaledatemplate->resources files
│   ├── scripts
│   └── tmp
│       ├── compileJava
│       │   └── compileTransaction
│       │       ├── backup-dir
│       │       └── stash-dir
│       └── jar
├── gradle
│   └── wrapper
└── src
    └── main
        ├── java
        │   └── it
        │       └── uni
        │           └── cs
        │               └── name
        │                   └── progettofinaledatemplate
        │                       ├── controller
        │                       ├── models
        │                       └── view
        └── resources
            └── it
                └── uni
                    └── cs
                        └── name
                            └── progettofinaledatemplate->resources files

Sorry If I repeated an already existing topic, but I can't find any solution.

What I tried:

  • Verified the presence of the file in the filepath
  • rebuilt the project via Build > Rebuild Project
  • used an absolute path
  • tried to verify that grade included the resources with:
sourceSets {
    main {
        resources {
            srcDir 'src/main/resources'


  • Solution that worked with my Application:

    After hearing the many helpful tips, I removed the nesting of the resource files, given "Tracciato3.txt" the file name and X the class I used, I moved the "Tracciato3.txt" file from:




    now if I use

    URL url = X.class.getClassLoader().getResource("Tracciato3.txt");

    it doesn't return null, instead It get the correct URL.

    It worked for me, so I hope this will be helpful