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Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.AppCompatImageView' net Maui 8 after killing the app

I'm developing an Android app using Net Maui 8, I have a Page with 3 images, on first run everything works as expected, but the problem is when I kill the app and then reopen it then I got the error:

Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.AppCompatImageView'

If I remove the 3 images from the xaml then no error is thrown, but if I leave one, no matter which one, the error is thrown.

The page is added as transient in the MauiProgram.cs


I would greatly appreciate any help on how to resolve this issue.


  • So, based on this answer I just wraped each one of my images inside a stack layout like

             HeightRequest="{OnIdiom 80,
             Source="{Binding SchoolLogo, TargetNullValue='school_icon'}"
             WidthRequest="{OnIdiom 80,
                                    Phone=50}" />

    And now everything works as expected