I have installed Astra DB on macOS Sonoma using Homebrew
brew install datastax/astra-cli/astra-cli
I am running astra setup
now but getting the following error
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: jdk.internal.io.JdkConsoleImpl.echo(Z)Z [symbol: Java_jdk_internal_io_JdkConsoleImpl_echo or Java_jdk_internal_io_JdkConsoleImpl_echo__Z]
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/com.oracle.svm.core.jni.access.JNINativeLinkage.getOrFindEntryPoint(JNINativeLinkage.java:152)
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/com.oracle.svm.core.jni.JNIGeneratedMethodSupport.nativeCallAddress(JNIGeneratedMethodSupport.java:54)
at [email protected]/jdk.internal.io.JdkConsoleImpl.echo(Native Method)
at [email protected]/jdk.internal.io.JdkConsoleImpl.readPassword(JdkConsoleImpl.java:101)
at [email protected]/java.io.ProxyingConsole.readPassword(ProxyingConsole.java:117)
at com.dtsx.astra.cli.config.SetupCmd.execute(SetupCmd.java:75)
at com.dtsx.astra.cli.core.AbstractCmd.run(AbstractCmd.java:89)
at com.dtsx.astra.cli.AstraCli.run(AstraCli.java:280)
at com.dtsx.astra.cli.AstraCli.main(AstraCli.java:255)
at [email protected]/java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$DMH/sa346b79c.invokeStaticInit(LambdaForm$DMH)
There is a known issue when running the Astra CLI setup
command in interactive mode for some of the latest JDKs that leads to the UnsatisfiedLinkError
As a workaround, please specify your database token using the --token
option so it can connect to Astra, for example:
$ astra setup --token AstraCS:AbC...:123...
If the token is valid, you should see the following output:
[OK] Configuration has been saved.
[OK] Setup completed.
[INFO] Enter 'astra help' to list available commands.
Then verify that the Astra CLI setup is complete using the config list
command, for example:
$ astra config list
| configuration |
| [email protected] |
These steps should allow you to get past the error. Cheers!