I would like to access the PokeAPI to get all the moves learnt by a specific pokemon at level 1. At the moment,
Here is my js code:
let userPokemonName = "squirtle"
const pokeData = [];
const url = `https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/${userPokemonName}`
pokeData.push(fetch(url).then(res => res.json()))
Promise.all(pokeData).then(results => {
const userPokemonData = results.map(data => ({
name: data.name,
id: data.id,
type: data.types.map(type => type.type.name).join(", "),
moves: data.moves.map(move => {
if (move.version_group_details.level_learned_at === 1) {
return move.move.name
}).slice(0, 10).join(', ')
At the moment, I'm just getting an array of commas moves array is commas
but it should say ['tackle', 'tail-whip'].
I have tried using .forEach instead of map :
moves: data.moves.forEach(move => {
if (move.version_group_details.level_learned_at === 1) {
but this has returned undefined.
You can use reduce like this
let userPokemonName = "squirtle"
const url = `https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/${userPokemonName}`
.then(res => res.json())
.then(userPokemonData => {
const { name, id, types, moves } = userPokemonData;
console.log(name, id, types);
const movesDetails = moves
.reduce((acc,move) => {
if (move?.version_group_details
?.some(detail => detail.level_learned_at===1)) {
return acc;
//).slice(0, 10).join(', ')