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Typescript - Insert element into mutidimensional array if not exists

In one of my angular application I have interface

export interface box {
    row : number;
    col : number;
    value : string;
    selected : boolean; 

And in component.ts ,

obj : box[][] = []
allobj : any = []

In further I do get obj as,

this.obj = 

and will be pushing this object to another array.


In next iteration, get obj as

this.obj = 

And this will be pushed to allobj as one of first value is different (00 & 99). In short , i want to insert obj array into allobj array if not exists. means any of the "value" in this.obj is not already present in allobj. I tried below solution but that is also not working.

let temp=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.obj))
let arr_str =
!arr_str.includes(JSON.stringify(temp)) && this.allobj.push(temp) 

need some suggestion.

Playground Demo 2


  • You can use this function to set the values of both arrays:

    let obj : Box[][] = [];
    let allobj: Box[][][] = [];
    function setValues(val: Box[][]) {
      obj = val;
      const allowedVals = allobj.flat().flat();
      const notFound = val.flat().find(b => 
          a => a.value === b.value &&
            a.row === b.row &&
            a.col === b.col
        ) === undefined
      if (notFound) {

    The function looks for any value in any Box object.

    1st call:

    console.log(obj.flat().length,allobj.length); // 9, 1

    2nd call:

        {"row":0,"col":0,"value":"99"}, // <-- only difference
    console.log(obj.flat().length, allobj.length); // 9, 2

    Playground demo

    Playground demo 2