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Svelte components with generics

I want to use a generic type in a Svelte(Kit) component's props, and I found out there is this type T = $$Generic thing:

<script lang="ts">
  import type { Writable } from "svelte/store";
  type T = $$Generic;
  export let store: Writable<T[]>;

While that is great, I do need slightly more information than that: I require that the T has a property id. Normally I'd do something like this:

export type WithId = { id: number };
function foo<T extends WithId>(property: T) { ... }

How can I do something similar for Svelte component props?


  • Edit: The design was changed, generics should now be defined as an attribute which uses the regular extends keyword:

    <script lang="ts" generics="T extends { id: number }">


    You can specify the type it extends like this:

    type T = $$Generic<{ id: number }>;

    You can also use type or interface names, though if you define them within a component, you might have to place them in the module script, i.e. something like this:

    <script lang="ts" context="module">
        interface WithId { id: number }
    <script lang="ts">
        export let store: Writable<T[]>;
        type T = $$Generic<WithId>;