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Eliminating #N/A errors in =MIN STOCKHISTORY results

I am using the STOCKHISTORY function to find the minimum value during a set period. On occasion and for some stocks, there may be errors or missing data on a given day. This returns #N/A value, I would very much like to eradicate these errors and/or count the errors as zero. Period of time covered in this instance is previous 365 days, C17 is referencing the 'stock' ticker.

Current formula is shown below:


This returns #N/A due to missing data on some days in the data pull, an assumption based on previous experience with using STOCKHISTORY to actually pull daily data going back between 1 and 10 years. Ideally I would like to keep this contained within one cell, rather than pulling the data and then removing the #N/A errors which I have done in the past.

Appreciate any advice, although I have been working my way around Excel formulas recently, this one has me stumped.


  • MIN ignores empty values, so you just need to use IFERROR to replace NA with "".

    e.g below works:
