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Converting all lists in global environment to dataframes

I have these lists in the global environment:

list_1 <- list(data.frame(A = 1:3, B = 4:6), data.frame(A = 7:9, B = 10:12))
list_2 <- list(data.frame(X = 1:2, Y = 3:4), data.frame(X = 5:6, Y = 7:8))
list_3 <- list(data.frame(M = 1:4, N = 5:8), data.frame(M = 9:12, N = 13:16))

I would like to turn each of these lists into a dataframe, e.g. here is how I would have done this manually:

list_1 =, list_1)
list_2 =, list_2)
list_3 =, list_3)

Is it possible to do this with a for loop? Normally in a for loop, I store the output of each iteration to a list itself, whereas this time I want to make individual data frames.


  • You can try

        mget(ls(pattern = "^list_\\d+")),
        \(x), x)
      envir = .GlobalEnv

    and you can check

    > mget(ls(pattern = "^list_\\d+"))
      A  B
    1 1  4
    2 2  5
    3 3  6
    4 7 10
    5 8 11
    6 9 12
      X Y
    1 1 3
    2 2 4
    3 5 7
    4 6 8
       M  N
    1  1  5
    2  2  6
    3  3  7
    4  4  8
    5  9 13
    6 10 14
    7 11 15
    8 12 16