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Are Modbus Holding-Registers / Coils values supposed to be changed on both communication and application side?

I'm currently facing the problem of utilizing my self-written Modbus RTU Server Stack. The stack itself works fine, but integrating it with my application has led me to a fundamental question.

Should a value set by the client be allowed to be overwritten by the server application, and should that overwritten value be read back by the client?

Let's take the following example: The Modbus server manages a holding register table with a value called "target speed" in km/h. The target speed is written by the client to a value of 10 km/h. The application of the Modbus Server is limited to a target speed of 8 km/h and therefore alters the value referenced in the holding register table to 8 km/h. Should the server be allowed to alter the speed? A possible alternative would be to publish the actual speed in an entry in an input register. Or is it perfectly fine to alter a value in a R/W register?

From the specification provided by, I couldn't really find the expected behavior. There are function calls, e.g., 0x16, that hint at working with values defined by the application, but I don't think that the existence of that function code fully clarifies the intention.

By any chance, is there someone here with Modbus experience who knows the desired behavior?


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