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Intune Conditional Access claim challenge testing

I'm currently trying to add the possibility to challenge claims that are thrown by a CA policy.

This is simply done with some C# code from the MSAL .NET library

From my what I have tried the only way I seem to be able to trigger a CA claim challenge is by having the device managed. For Android this means using the company portal and setting up a work profile.

However I want to test the code first before pushing it into production. I was wondering does anyone have experience with how to CA claim challenges locally/in debug mode?

I have already tried using MFA, but it doesn't seem to trigger the required claim challenge.

Code is shown here, in case it helps

        bool useEmbbedView = ServiceLocator.Default.GetService<IDeviceInfo>().DevicePlatform == PlatformType.Windows ? true : !_publicClientApp.IsSystemWebViewAvailable;
        _tokenInteractiveParameterBuilder = _publicClientApp.AcquireTokenInteractive(_azureResources.Scopes)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginHint))
            _tokenInteractiveParameterBuilder = _loggedInAccount == null
                ? _tokenInteractiveParameterBuilder.WithLoginHint(loginHint)
                : _tokenInteractiveParameterBuilder.WithAccount(_loggedInAccount);
        AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = await _tokenInteractiveParameterBuilder.ExecuteAsync();
        return AuthenticationState.CreateAzureAuthenticationState(authenticationResult, AuthenticationStateResult.Success);
catch(MsalServiceException msalServiceException) when (msalServiceException.Claims != null)
    // Handle the claims challenge
    string claimsChallenge = msalServiceException.Claims;

    AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = await _tokenInteractiveParameterBuilder.WithClaims(claimsChallenge).ExecuteAsync();
    return AuthenticationState.CreateAzureAuthenticationState(authenticationResult, AuthenticationStateResult.Success);


  • A proper debugging option doesn't seem to be available. So I did the next best thing available.

    1. Change the package name
    2. Create a release build of my local code with a different
    3. Sign it "manually" using bundetool
    4. Upload it as a Private app to the managed google play store

    I can now test my local build.