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Get a refresh token of an SPA application using Microsoft Entra(Azure AD)

I have registered an application in Microsoft Entra as an SPA multitanent application with the permissions as Files.ReadWrite,offline_access and User.Read.

I use MSAL library in my frontend .I am able to get access token with loginPopup method provided by the library.

const microsoftLogin=async ()=>
    const loginResponse=await instance.loginPopup(loginRequest).catch((e) => {

Now I also need to get refreshToken so that I can use it to get a new access token any later point in time. The method doesn't provide any authCode or refreshToken in the response. I am retrieving access token via sessionStorage where Microsoft saves values with the key as


However I am not able to get accessToken with that as well. I tried the api via postman.I don't have client secret. getting accessToken via postman

What do I need to do in order to get refresh_token, get access token via refresh_token via SPA configured application. Do I need to change anything in my Entra Application?


  • The error "AADSTS9002327: Tokens issued for the 'Single-Page Application' client-type may only be redeemed via cross-origin requests" usually occurs if you are not passing origin as header in the request.

    To generate access and refresh token for SPA application, check the below:

    Created a Microsoft Entra ID application and configured redirect URL as SPA:

    enter image description here

    Used the below endpoint to sign in user and generate code: 
    &scope=Files.ReadWrite offline_access User.Read

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Generated access and refresh tokens by passing below parameters:
    client_id : ClientID
    grant_type : authorization_code
    code : code
    redirect_uri :
    code_verifier : S256
    scope : Files.ReadWrite offline_access User.Read

    Make sure to pass origin header (Value is redirect URL):

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    To refresh the access token, make use of below parameters:
    refresh_token: xxx //paste the refresh token that you got above

    Make sure to pass origin header (Value is redirect URL):

    enter image description here

    I am able to successfully refresh the access token:

    enter image description here