Working with JSF2 and Richfaces 4.0. I have been unsuccessfully trying to debug a lost session attribute for days now. I have a page flow that takes the user from page1 to page2 and then back to page1. A session attribute is added when user clicks a button to navigate to page2. This attribute is used in page2 and in page1 when the user returns to it. When debugging, I can see the session attribute all the way to page2, but when user clicks on a button in page2 to return to page1 the attribute disappears.
I have no idea why this is happening. I am 100% sure I am adding the attribute to the session and not the request. I have been analyzing the code for days now.
I have other pages where attributes are added to the session and they work fine.
Any debugging suggestions would be helpful.
My mistake. Missed a filter that removed the attribute. Thanks.