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Cannot limit the concurrency of servlet requests using Spring Boot virtual threads with Tomcat

I am updating a Kotlin (v1.9.25) Spring Boot (v3.3.1) project from Java 17 to Java 21 in order to enable Virtual Threads.

In our service, almost all requests acquire one database connection and hold to it for the whole request, while some very specific ones require more than one. To avoid database connection starvation, we set the maximum number of database connections to be just a little above the maximum concurrent requests.

spring.threads.virtual.enabled: true
spring.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size: 50
server.tomcat.threads.max: 4 # used to be 45 before virtual threads 

Up to now, we control maximum concurrent requests by means of server.tomcat.threads.max, but with virtual threads it all changes: the idea, as far as I understand, is to have a executor receiving an unlimited amount of tasks, so no limits here.

That leaves me to my question: how can I limit the maximum number of concurrent connections on my service while using virtual threads?

I thought of implementing a semaphore but something seems to be off with this approach, I though that it would be configurable.

Thank you very much!


  • While recommended way to restrict number of threads accessing a limited resource is to Use Semaphores to Limit Concurrency of Virtual Threads, Stack Overflow thread In java How to migrate from Executors.newFixedThreadPool(MAX_THREAD_COUNT()) to Virtual Thread discusses alternative way to do the restriction - a fixed thread pool and argues that it is equivalent to Semaphore in terms of functionality and efficiency.

    In addition, the latter way allows more Spring-"configurable" solutions.

    To restrict the amount of Tomcat worker thread, like the OP requested, we could set our own Tomcat Protocol Handler Executor:

    public class TomcatFixedThreadsCustomizer
        implements WebServerFactoryCustomizer<ConfigurableTomcatWebServerFactory>, Ordered {
        private int maxThreadCount;
        public void customize(ConfigurableTomcatWebServerFactory factory) {
            factory.addProtocolHandlerCustomizers((protocolHandler) -> 
                protocolHandler.setExecutor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(maxThreadCount, Thread.ofVirtual().factory())));
        public int getOrder() {
            return 2;// need to be executed after TomcatWebServerFactoryCustomizer;

    Note that the line

    Executors.newFixedThreadPool(maxThreadCount, Thread.ofVirtual().factory())

    actually overrides spring.threads.virtual.enabled setting for this custom executor - the Tomcat worker threads will be virtual anyway. By other hand, if you don't want to have Tomcat worker threads be virtual, you don't have to - use a default fixed pool for that:


    Remember, however, that in this case all Tomcat worker threads will be under the restriction of maxThreadCount, even those who don't use critical resources like DB Connections in the OP case.

    Other solution is based upon Semaphore, recommended by Oracle documentation, and Spring AOP. An AOP Aspect restricts an access to critical resource:

    public class RestrictedResourceAspect {
        private final Semaphore semaphore;
        public RestrictedResourceAspect(int permits) {
            semaphore = new Semaphore(permits);
        public Object accessRestrictedResource(ProceedingJoinPoint jp) throws Throwable  {
            try {
                return jp.proceed();
            } finally {

    The pointcut expression above


    applies the Aspect to each public method in com.github.webapp.controller package as an example. It is possible to apply it to methods, annotated with certain annotation, RequestMapping, for example; the only requirement is that the method should belong to a Spring Bean and be public. For pointcut syntax please see details in Spring AOP documentation.

    Finally, we need to configure the Aspect:

    public class AppConfig {
        private int maxThreadCount;
        public RestrictedResourceAspect restrictedResourceAspect() {
            return new RestrictedResourceAspect(maxThreadCount);

    This second approach is more flexible than Tomcat Protocol Handler Executor-based one as it allows to make a distinction between the methods, which do access critical resources, and methods, which do not access them.