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How to extract nested JSONB values in PostgreSQL with dynamic SQL query for a particular key?

I have a JSONB column called metadata in my PostgreSQL database. I want to extract the values of a specific key within this column.

For example, consider the following JSON structure:

  "key1": "value1",
  "key2": [
    {"key3": "value3"},
    {"key3": "value4"}

I need to retrieve the values of key3, even if they are nested at various levels (up to 4 or 5 levels deep). Is there a generic approach to dynamically generate a PostgreSQL SQL query for this purpose?


  • The jsonb_path_query() function can do that: demo at db<>fiddle

    create table your_table(
       id int generated by default as identity primary key
      ,metadata  jsonb);
    insert into your_table(metadata) values
     ('{"key1": "value1",
        "key2": [ {"key3": "value3"}
                 ,{"key3": "value4"} ]
    ,('{"key3": "value5",
        "key2": [ {"key4": {"key3": "value6"}} ]
    SELECT jsonb_path_query(metadata,'strict $.**.key3')
    FROM your_table
    WHERE metadata @? '$.**.key3';
    • $ is the root of the jsonb structure
    • .** means all levels of the structure are considered
    • .key3 returns the value under that key, found on any level
    • strict mode prevents duplicate value3 and value4 that would be returned due to accessing key2 array twice in otherwise default lax mode
    • WHERE metadata @? '$.**.key3' condition uses an index to only search those rows that have key3 anywhere in them