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UISplitViewController with MonoTouch.Dialog

Using a UISplitViewController with MonoTouch.Dialog (DialogViewController) I am having issues when using the "back" button of the navigation controller:

There is a big animation on the detail side vertically from top to bottom.

I uploaded a small MonoTouch sample to [Since updated with fix]

I am using the excellent MonoTouch.Dialog library, also on GitHub. The example references this.

How I am creating the view controller for the first tab:

var spit_view = new MySplitViewController();
spit_view.Delegate = new UISplitViewControllerDelegate();
spit_view.ViewControllers = new UIViewController[] { 
    new MyNavigationController(), 
    new DetailViewController("Tab #1") 
Add(UITabBarSystemItem.Search, spit_view); // custom method

Is there a fix for the vertical animation when I pop navigation?



  • For you first question:

    Is there a fix for the vertical animation when I pop navigation?

    Look at: UINavigationController scrolls down on back button click

    Note that you have a better chance to get answers (and faster ones) if you split your questions :-)