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view to take all remaining space storyboard

How can we design a UI with Storyboard to make a view take all remaining space?

Design Requirements:

I have a view with two labels (Data and New). I want New to be displayed at the bottom and Data to take all remaining space inside the view.

I ended up designing the storyboard like this, which works fine, but I have questions and doubts:

  • The attached screenshot shows a vertical spacing constraint of 10px between both labels, but the UI preview shows +55.6. Why is this happening?
  • Is there a better way to design the same UI?

created storyboard


  • ... and then take the Data to take all remaining space

    This means Data label should have a lower vertical content hugging priority than the New label.

    why UI preview shows +55.6?

    Because it is designed for prototyping it is telling that what you are seeing in the preview has exactly +55.6 with what you are going to see at runtime.

    ⚠️ Note that it's about the spacing, not the height. On dynamic cells settings, the rowHeight set on the UITableView always overrides the individual cells' rowHeight.

    is three better way to design the same UI?

    There is no such a thing as better. You should pick what it most suits you and your team. For example:

    • You can use StackView to reduce the constraints, but it may have less dynamicity than autolayout.
    • You can use Xib files to enhance reusability, but they may be a bit old-style and also make your project file bigger
    • You can use code to reduce Git conflicts, but you may lose the drag-and-drop feature
    • etc.

    Each method comes with its cons and pros.

    In MY opinion (which is not the best), go with the StackView when your layout is vertical or horizontal. This way you also prepare for SwiftUI regular layout mechanism.