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How to clone Trix default link button?

I would like to add a button to Trix editor that would insert YouTube video using custom HTML attribute. It seems to me that default link button is exactly what I need. I would need to just modify little bit what is done once someone click the link button after text is entered. enter image description here

The standard link button

  • has Trix menu button
  • has input field
  • has input value validation
  • link and unlink functionality. I might want to remove the unlink button
  • inserts text into editor
  • inserted text / area is not editable

I was searching the net but did not find any example how to achieve what I want. The closest solution is the embed, image, and link buttons are basically what I want. But it is coded in RoR. I know nothing about RoR.

Could someone help me to create my link (embed) button in Trix?

I know how to add a button. But I do not know how to open modal upon clicking the button. I know how to insert text.

var buttonHTML = '<button type="button" data-trix-attribute="red">RED</button>'
insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", buttonHTML)


    • adding a button to the toolbar: There are two important attributes that need to match the dialog: data-trix-attribute="embed_URL" and data-trix-action="embed". [source file]

    • Adding embed dialog similar to the link dialog: I matched the data-trix-dialog="embed" and data-trix-dialog-attribute="embed_URL" attribute values with the button.

    • URL validation: I've added data-trix-method="setAttribute" to the Add button to validate URL and close dialog by calling SetAttribute from toolbar_controller.js ( to find out how it works check StimulusJS syntax )

    For more details, see the comments in the code.

            /* you also can use trix-before-initialize i*/
            document.addEventListener("trix-initialize", function(e) {
                /* toolbar elements ( src/trix/config/toolbar.js )  */
                const toolbarContainer ='trix-button-group--block-tools')[0];
                const trixDialogs ='trix-dialogs')[0];
                /* add a buttom to toolbar  */
                const Button  = `<button id="embed-btn" type="button" class="trix-button" data-trix-attribute="embed_URL" data-trix-action="embed" title="Embed" tabindex="-1">Embed</button>`;
                toolbarContainer.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", Button);
                /* add a dialog HTML to toolbar */
                const embedDialogHTML = `
                    <div class="trix-dialog trix-dialog--embed" data-trix-dialog="embed" data-trix-dialog-attribute="embed_URL">
                        <div class="trix-dialog__link-fields">
                        <input type="url" name="embed_URL" class="trix-input trix-input--dialog" placeholder="Enter a URL…" aria-label="URL" required="" data-trix-input="">
                        <div class="trix-button-group">
                            <input type="button" class="trix-button trix-button--dialog" value="Add" data-trix-action="x-add-embed" data-trix-method="setAttribute">
                trixDialogs.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", embedDialogHTML);
                const embedURL = trixDialogs.querySelector('.trix-dialog--embed .trix-input');
                document.addEventListener("trix-action-invoke", function(event) {
                    /* it will call from trix-button attribute data-trix-action="x-add-embed" */
                    if(event.actionName === "x-add-embed"){
                        const youtubeIdRegex = /^(?:(?:https|http):\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtube\.com|youtu\.be).*(?<=\/|v\/|u\/|embed\/|shorts\/|watch\?v=)(?<!\/user\/)(?<id>[\w\-]{11})(?=\?|&|$)/;
                        const param = embedURL.value.match(youtubeIdRegex)?.groups?.id;
                        /* validate youtube link */
                        if(!param) {
                            alert('Youtube your is not valid');
                            embedURL.value = '';
                        const embedHTML = `
                        <iframe width="320" height="215" src="${param}/?controls=1"></iframe>`;
                        /*  The HTML inside a content attachment is not subject to Trix’s document conversion rules and will be rendered as-is. */
                        var attachment = new Trix.Attachment({ content: embedHTML })
               window.addEventListener("load",() => {
                    document.getElementById('result').onclick = () => {
                            document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = document.getElementById('x').value;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <title>Trix editor Youtube feature</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <input id="x" type="hidden" name="content">
        <trix-editor input="x"></trix-editor>
        <br />
        <button id="result"> Preview </button>
        <div style="border:1px gray solid ; margin:10px; padding: 10px" id="output">

    if you are going to add more botton and dialog instead of using insertAdjacentHTML it's better to change the hole toolbar ( toolbar.js )

    Trix.config.toolbar.getDefaultHTML = function() {
                return 'toolbar HTML' // src/trix/config/toolbar.js