well... i have a file containing tintin-script. Now i already managed to grab all actions and substitutions from it to show them properly ordered on a website using Ruby, which helps me to keep an overview.
Example TINTIN-script
#substitution {You tell {([a-zA-Z,\-\ ]*)}, %*$}
{<279>[<269> $sysdate[1]<279>, <269>$systime<279> |<219> Tell <279>] <269>to <219>%2<279> : <219>%3}
#substitution {{([a-zA-Z,\-\ ]*)} tells you, %*$}
{<279>[<269> $sysdate[1]<279>, <269>$systime<279> |<119> Tell <279>] <269>from <119>%2<279> : <119>%3}
#action {Your muscles suddenly relax, and your nimbleness is gone.}
#if {$sw_keepaon}
} {5}
#action {xxxxx}
#if {$sw_keepfamiliar}
familiar $familiar;
} {5}
To grab them in my Ruby-App i read my script-file into a varibable 'input' and then use the following pattern to scan the 'input'
pattern = /(?<braces>{([^{}]|\g<braces>)*}){0}^#(?<type>action|substitution)\s*(?<b1>\g<braces>)\s*(?<b2>\g<braces>)\s*(?<b3>\g<braces>)/im
input = ""
File.open("/home/igambin/lmud/lmud.tt") { |file| input = file.read }
input.scan(pattern) { |prio, type, pattern, code|
## here i usually create objects, but for simplicity only output now
puts "Type : #{type}"
puts "Pattern : #{pattern}"
puts "Priority: #{prio}"
puts "Code :\n#{code}"
Now my idea was to use the netbeans platform to write a module to not only keep an overview but also to assist editing the tintin script file. So opening the file in an Editor-Window I still need to parse the tintin-file and have all 'actions' and 'substitutions' from the file grabbed and displayed in an eTable, in wich I could dbl-click on one item to open a modification-window.
I've setup the module and got everything ready so far, i just can't figure out how to translate the ruby-regex pattern i've written to a working java-regex-pattern. It seems named-group-capturing and especially the recursive application of these groups is not supported in Java. Without that I seem to be unable to find a working solution...
Here's the ruby pattern again...
pattern = /(?<braces>{([^{}]|\g<braces>)*}){0}^#(?<type>action|substitution)\s*(?<b1>\g<braces>)\s*(?<b2>\g<braces>)\s*(?<b3>\g<braces>)/im
Can anyone help me to create a java pattern that matches the same?
Many thanks in advance for tips/hints/ideas and especially for solutions or (close-to-solution comments)!
Your text format seems pretty simple; it's possible you don't really need recursive matching. This Java-compatible regex matches your sample data correctly, as far as I can tell:
Would that work for you? If you run Java 7, you can even name the groups. ;)