I'm using ConsumerDefinition to define my consumer in MassTransit.
I've noticed there that it's possible to set ConcurrentMessageLimit 3 different ways, but I don't really understand the difference. Could you please advise where it's better to set it ?
Here's below is my code
public class MyConsumerDefinition: ConsumerDefinition<MyConsumer>
protected override void ConfigureConsumer(IReceiveEndpointConfigurator endpointConfigurator, IConsumerConfigurator<MyConsumer> consumerConfigurator, IRegistrationContext context)
// 1
ConcurrentMessageLimit = 20;
// 2
endpointConfigurator.ConcurrentMessageLimit = 20;
// 3
consumerConfigurator.ConcurrentMessageLimit = 20;
Thanks, Evgeny.
Should be set ONLY in the constructor, it has zero value at the point where that method is called.
That's fine, as long as you only have a single consumer on the endpoint otherwise multiple consumers might set it to different values.
Meh, I never use this but you could. I wouldn't, but then again I don't share a single endpoint with multiple consumers.