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Read corrupted data from TCP socket on Ubuntu Linux

Please note, I already know about the streaming nature of TCP connections; my question is not related to those kinds of things. It rather about my suspicion of there being a bug in the Linux sockets implementation.

Update: Taking comments into account, I updated my code a little bit to check the return value of recv() not only to -1 but to any negative value. That was just in case. The results are the same.

I have a very simple TCP client/server application written in C. The full code of this project is available on github.

The client side runs multiple parallel threads, and each of threads does the following:

  1. Open socket
  2. Connect this socket to server
  3. Write 16 bytes of a predefined data pattern to the socket by pieces of random length
  4. Close socket
  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 N times
static size_t send_ex(int fd, const uint8_t *buff, size_t len, bool by_frags)
    if ( by_frags )
        size_t chunk_len, pos;
        size_t res;

        for ( pos = 0; pos < len;  )
            chunk_len = (size_t) random();
            chunk_len %= (len - pos);

            res = send(fd, (const char *) &buff[pos], chunk_len, 0);
            if ( res != chunk_len) {
                return (size_t) -1;

            pos += chunk_len;

        return len;

    return send(fd, buff, len, 0);

static void *connection_task(void *arg) 
    connection_ctx_t *ctx = (connection_ctx_t *) arg;
    uint32_t buff[4] = {0xAA55AA55, 0x12345678, 0x12345678, 0x12345678};
    int res, fd, i;

    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
        if ( fd < 0 ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Can't create socket!\n");

        res = connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *) ctx->serveraddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
        if ( res < 0 ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Connect failed!\n");                    

        res = send_ex(fd, (const char *) buff, sizeof(buff), frags);
        if ( res != sizeof(buff) ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Send failed!\n");


        res = close(fd);
        if ( res < 0 ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "CLI: Close Failed!!\n");


    return NULL;

The server side runs a thread on each incoming connection, that does the following:

  1. Read data from the connected socket until it has read all 16 bytes
  2. After reading at least the first 4 bytes, it is checked that these bytes are equal to a predefined pattern.
typedef struct client_ctx_s {
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    int fd;
} client_ctx_t;

void *client_task(void *arg) 
    client_ctx_t *client = (client_ctx_t *) arg;
    size_t free_space, pos;
    ssize_t chunk_len;
    uint32_t buff[4] = {0};
    int res;

    pos = 0;
    while ( pos != sizeof(buff) )
        free_space = sizeof(buff) - pos;
        assert(pos < sizeof(buff));

        chunk_len = recv(client->fd, &((uint8_t *) buff)[pos], free_space, 0);
        if ( chunk_len <= 0 ) {
            if ( chunk_len < 0 ) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s:%u: ERROR: recv failed (errno = %d; pos = %zu)!\n",
                        errno, pos);
            else if ( pos && pos < sizeof(buff) ) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s:%u: ERROR: incomplete data block (pos = %zu)!\n",
            goto out;

        assert(chunk_len <= free_space);
        pos += chunk_len;

        if ( pos >= 4 && buff[0] != 0xAA55AA55) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s:%u: ERROR: data corrupted (%08x)!\n", 

    fprintf(stdout, "%s:%u: %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",
            buff[0], buff[1], buff[2], buff[3]);

    debug("Connection closed\n");
    res = close(client->fd);
    assert(res == 0);
    return NULL;

Issues that came up when a client runs one thousand of sending threads, and each of them repeats connect-send-disconnect one hundred times (./client -t 1000 -c 100 -d 0 -f):

  1. Loss of first bytes of pattern that was send.
  2. Total size of data that was readed from socket accordingly less that 16 bytes.


This behavior is repeatable both on local host and over a real network connection.

Examining the TCP flow of the corrupted data with Wireshark shows that:

  1. There is no issue on client side.
  2. Corrupted data corresponds data that carried with retransmitted segments of data.


I can't really believe this problem lies in the Linux TCP/IP implementation. Can anybody explain what is wrong with my code?


  • at first glance there is a similar problem here:

    but in our case in wireshark see ack for all data packet. it still looks like a kernel bug.

    To reproduce this error, it is not necessary to open a large number of TCP connections. 10 is enough.
    This can be schematically reproduced as follows:

    run server

    listenfd = socket(...  
    res = bind(listenfd, ...  
    res = listen(listenfd, 1); !!! backlog set 1  
    wait user key press (need wait add socket to backlog queue)

    start client
    run 10 thread with:

    fd = socket(... 
    z = setsockopt(fd, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &one, sizeof(one)); 
    connect(fd ...  
    for(int i=0;i<28;i++)  
        send(fd, &buff[i], 1, 0);  

    9 TCP streams enter in the backlog queue on the server side and begin re-sending SYN with increasing intervals.

    at server side press enter, for unblock and

      select([listenfd, socketN])
      listenfd: new connection
         add to socketN
      socketN: new data

    As a result, the first bytes of data in several TCP connections will be lost. This behavior is observed on the Ubuntu 24.04 with kernel 6.10.2.