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My Tasmota firmware device failed after I made these changes

I am using Tasmota 14.2.0 and I'm trying to figure out why something in the following changes to my xdrv_01_9_webserver.ino file bricked my ESP8266 device and made it so I could no longer connect to it over HTTP:

My embedded JavaScript function:

  "function transitionToEZsaltGo(){"
    "var mqttClient = \"%s\".trim();"  // Placeholder for mqtt_client
    "document.getElementById('btnTransitionToEZsaltGo').style.display = 'none';"
    "document.getElementById('divFinalStep').style.display = 'block';"
    "var countdown = 10;"
    "   countdown--;"
    "   document.getElementById('divFinalStep').innerHTML = 'Transferring to EZsaltGo<br>in ' + countdown + ' seconds...';"
    "   if(countdown < 1){"
    "      location.href = '';"
    "   }"
    "}, 1000);"

My attempt to inject the TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_client runtime value into the JavaScript function (I am suspicious that this might be breaking everything but I don't know why):

char buffer[650];
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), HTTP_SCRIPT_EZSALT, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_client);

And finally the injection of a bit of html, including the button to call my js:

WSContentSend_P(PSTR(D_SUCCESSFUL_WIFI_CONNECTION "<br><br></div><div style='text-align:center;'><button id='btnTransitionToEZsaltGo' onclick='transitionToEZsaltGo()'>Continue Setup</button><div id='divFinalStep' style='display: none'>Transferring to EZsaltGo<br>in 10 seconds...</div><br><br></div>"));

I prototyped the button and JS in a plain HTML page and it all works, so there are no HTML/JS errors. The firmware compiles with no problems. After installation I cannot communicate with the firmware over http like I usually can. Besides the above noted customizations, everything else is standard and works fine in my devices.


  • The solution was to not use buffers at all, but rather to just do one of these for each line of js:
