I have below Json value in string groupsjasontext and I like to parse id, members.value, roles.value using JsonConverter.ParseJson. How will I do it ? I tried to show via messagebox for id field and I am getting error Type Mismatch
Set JsonData = JsonConverter.ParseJson(groupsjasontext)
tempName = JsonData("id")(0)
MsgBox (tempName)
"schemas": [
"totalResults": 3,
"startIndex": 1,
"itemsPerPage": 3,
"Resources": [
"schemas": [
"id": "d3094970-ce7e-4794-b9e2-f84817b7c820",
"meta": {
"resourceType": "Group",
"created": "2024-05-21T17:53:06.808Z",
"lastModified": "2024-05-21T17:53:06.808Z",
"location": "/api/v1/scim2/Groups/d3094970-ce7e-4794-b9e2-f84817b7c820"
"displayName": "AHI_VW_ALL_REGION",
"urn:sap:params:scim:schemas:extension:sac:2.0:group-custom-parameters": {
"description": "View Mode ALL REGION"
"schemas": [
"id": "bef561ee-5a1e-420e-a1e\n4-4f624c96af6e",
"meta": {
"resourceType": "Group",
"created": "2024-07-25T14:17:53.215Z",
"lastModified": "2024-08-01T14:31:29.632Z",
"location": "/api/v1/scim2/Groups/bef561ee-5a1e-420e-a1e4-4f624c96af6e"
"displayName": "TEAM_TEST",
"members": [
"value": "f27dcbb9-df9a-46b2-b23a-3b35d5a8bdff",
"type": "User",
"display": "Test_FirstName1 TEST_Familyname1",
"$ref": "/api/v1/scim2/Users/f27dcbb9-df9a-46b2-b23a-3b35d5a8bdff"
"urn:sap:params:scim:schemas:extension:sac:2.0:group-roles": {
"roles": [
"value": "PROFILE:t.4:VIEW_USER",
"display": "VIEW_USER"
"urn:sap:params:scim:schemas:extension:sac:2.0:group-custom-parameters": {
"description": "Team Test"
"schemas": [
"id": "1edd9227-c8de-486e-93f6-69396524c792",
"meta": {
"resourceType": "Group",
"created": "2024-05-21T17:51:49.808Z",
"lastModified": "2024-05-21T17:53:06.121Z",
"location": "/api/v1/scim2/Groups/1edd9227-c8de-486e-93f6-69396524c792"
"displayName": "AHI_VW_EURAM\n",
"urn:sap:params:scim:schemas:extension:sac:2.0:group-custom-parameters": {
"description": "View mode EURAM"
I have found it far easier to specifically access different parts of a JSON object individually at each step. This helped to avoid most of the issues and confusion between the different objects (Dictionaries and Collections). I use this reference all the time, it's proved to be a big help.
So based on that advice, and using the linked reference, I came up with the test code below to show how to access different parts of your JSON structure and perform loops when it's appropriate.
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim strJSON As String
strJSON = GetJSONString
Dim json As Object
Set json = ParseJson(strJSON)
Dim resources As Collection
Set resources = GetCollection(json, "Resources")
Dim junk As Collection
Set junk = GetCollection(json, "junk")
Dim resource As Dictionary
For Each resource In resources
Debug.Print "----- Resource:"
Dim schemas As Collection
Set schemas = GetCollection(resource, "schemas")
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To schemas.Count
Debug.Print " Schema(" & i & ") = " & schemas(i)
Next i
Dim id As String
id = resource("id")
Dim meta As Dictionary
Set meta = GetDictionary(resource, "meta")
If Not meta Is Nothing Then
Dim metaEntry As Variant
For Each metaEntry In meta
Debug.Print " Meta Entry: " & metaEntry & " = " & meta(metaEntry)
Next metaEntry
End If
Dim displayName As String
displayName = resource("displayName")
Dim members As Collection
Set members = GetCollection(resource, "members")
If Not members Is Nothing Then
Dim member As Variant
Debug.Print " member count = " & members.Count
For i = 1 To members.Count
Dim memberEntry As Dictionary
Set memberEntry = members(i)
Dim entryKey As Variant
For Each entryKey In memberEntry
Debug.Print " For member(" & i & "): " & entryKey & " = " & memberEntry(entryKey)
Next entryKey
Next i
End If
Next resource
End Sub
Function GetCollection(ByRef jsonObj As Object, ByVal entryName As String) As Collection
On Error Resume Next
Set GetCollection = jsonObj(entryName)
If GetCollection Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "The requested object " & entryName & " does not exist in the referenced Collection"
End If
End Function
Function GetDictionary(ByRef jsonObj As Object, ByVal entryName As String) As Dictionary
On Error Resume Next
Set GetDictionary = jsonObj(entryName)
If GetDictionary Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "The requested object " & entryName & " does not exist in the referenced Dictionary"
End If
End Function
Function GetJSONString() As String
Dim fileHandle As Integer
Dim filename As String
filename = "C:\temp\test.json"
fileHandle = FreeFile
Open filename For Input As FreeFile
GetJSONString = Input(LOF(fileHandle), fileHandle)
Close fileHandle
End Function