I am doing a raycast from Player A and checking for another player B and then player A can interact with player B.
The Problem: When I trigger the interact function it only gets triggered for player A even though I am running interact function on player B. Also I am getting player B in the raycast but when I try to get its OwnerClientId it the same as the player A client Id.
My interaction code
private void Interact()
bool interacting = PlayerInputManager.Instance.IsInteracting();
if (InteractionUI.Instance.IsInteracting(interacting, lookedAtInteractableObject != null))
if (lookedAtInteractableObject.TryGetComponent<IAmInteractable>(out IAmInteractable interactableItem))
if (lookedAtInteractableObject.TryGetComponent<PlayerToPlayerInteractions>(out PlayerToPlayerInteractions p2p))
// This p2p.OwnerClientId is same as player A
interactableItem.Interact(playerScript, p2p.OwnerClientId);
My detection code
Ray ray = new Ray(cameraTransform.position, cameraTransform.forward);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit, raycastMaxDistance, searchRaycastLM))
Debug.DrawRay(cameraTransform.position, cameraTransform.forward * raycastMaxDistance, Color.green);
//? Player is looking at something here
if (hit.collider.gameObject.TryGetComponent<IAmInteractable>(out IAmInteractable interactableItem))
//? Player is looking at item here
lookedAtInteractableObject = hit.collider.gameObject;
Ok, I figured out the issue. I was getting the ID for player B, but I wasn't getting the ID for player A.
If someone has a similar problem in the future I will try to explain it as best as I can.
Here are the steps for this problem