I have a KMP project, and I want to round the doubles into the needed number of decimals, without implementing this in each platform, using primitive types and standard library is preferable.
You can create an extension function and use strings with functional methods like this:
import kotlin.math.pow
fun Double.roundTo(dec: Int): Double {
return toString().split('.').let {
if (it.last().length <= dec) this
else {
val decimals = it.last().drop(it.last().length - dec)
(it.first() + decimals).toDouble() / 10.0.pow(dec)
Thanks for the feedback in the comments, I found a better way:
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.round
fun Double.roundTo(dec: Int): Double {
return round(this * 10.0.pow(dec)) / 10.0.pow(dec)