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Using Excel VBA, can you publish a query that you have made changes in?

Excel VBA ADO/TFS add in supports refreshing an ADO query in a worksheet using the IDC_REFRESH constant. See (Execute action failed on CommandBarButton to update workitems) for details.

I'd like to be able to publish a query using a vba macro as well but haven't been able to figure that out.

I've searched numerous times, looking for documentation on the ability to invoke the Publish button.

With no success. I also tried modifying my code to find the Publish button/control using IDC_PUBLISH and the same code referenced in the stackoverflow link above.

Does anyone out there know if this is possible at all?


  • OK, Kevin Lu-MSFT gave me enough insight to sort this out. Thank you Kevin! Here's an updated version of the subroutine that has been floating around for years. This subroutine takes the control name substring of interest as an argument and then executes that control.

    I have tested this and it works! I hope it helps someone else.

    Call ExecuteTeamControlOnWorksheet("OneFeature", "IDC_REFRESH") ' Execute Refresh
    Call ExecuteTeamControlOnWorksheet("OneFeature", "IDC_SYNC") ' Execute Publish
    Private Sub ExecuteTeamControlOnWorksheet(worksheetName As String, teamControlName As String)
        Dim activeSheet As Worksheet
        Dim teamQueryRange As Range
        Dim refreshControl As CommandBarControl
        Set refreshControl = FindTeamControl(teamControlName)
        If refreshControl Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Could not find Team Foundation commands in Ribbon. Please make sure that the Team Foundation     Excel plugin is installed.", vbCritical
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' Disable screen updating temporarily so that the user doesn’t see us selecting a range
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        ' Capture the currently active sheet, we will need it later
        Set activeSheet = ActiveWorkbook.activeSheet
        Set teamQueryRange = Worksheets(worksheetName).ListObjects(2).Range
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        'MsgBox "Completed " + worksheetName + " Query "
        Debug.Print "Completed " + worksheetName + " Query "
    End Sub
    Private Function FindTeamControl(tagName As String) As CommandBarControl
        Dim commandBar As commandBar
        Dim teamCommandBar As commandBar
        Dim control As CommandBarControl
    ' Caption is the name displayed on the Control on the Excel Team Tab
    ' Tag is the Tag name for that control. This is the string this
    ' The original example of this dropped the -TBB off the end, 
    ' so I've been following this practice
    ' To find the Refresh button, use IDC_REFRESH, for Publish use IDC_SYNC
    '   Caption               : Tag
    '   New List              : IDC_NEW_WI_LIST-TBB
    '   Get Work Items        : IDC_IMPORT-TBB
    '   Publish               : IDC_SYNC-TBB
    '   Refresh               : IDC_REFRESH-TBB
    '   List                  : IDC_CONFIGURE_LIST-TBB
    '   Choose Columns        : IDC_COLUMN_CHOOSER-TBB
    '   Links and Attachments : IDC_LINKS_ATTACHMENTS-TBB
    '   Open in Web Access    : IDC_OPEN_IN_WEB_ACCESS-TBB
    '   Select User           : IDC_IDENTITY_PICKER-TBB
    '   Add Tree Level        : IDC_ADD_SUBLEVEL_COLUMN-TBB
    '   Add Child             : IDC_ADD_NEW_CHILD-TBB
    '   Indent                : IDC_INDENT-TBB
    '   Outdent               : IDC_OUTDENT-TBB
        For Each commandBar In Application.CommandBars
            If commandBar.Name = "Team" Then
                Set teamCommandBar = commandBar
                Exit For
            End If
        If Not teamCommandBar Is Nothing Then
            For Each control In teamCommandBar.Controls
                If InStr(1, control.Tag, tagName) Then
                    Set FindTeamControl = control
                    Exit Function
                End If
        End If
    End Function