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Configure vcalendar default hour to 00

I'm using v-calendar datepicker 3.0

with configuration:

<DatePicker v-model="date" :mode="mode" :locale="locale" is24hr :model-config="modelConfig" @dayclick="pickDate" @input="pickDate" ref="calendar" @daykeydown="onKeydown" :popover="popoverOptions">

When in DateTime mode is seleced date , hour is automatically added according local time, example 11:00. Is there possible to configure that it is by default 00:00 ?


  • This is what I expected it to do, thnx @imhvost for initial code sample:

      <v-date-picker is24hr v-model="date" mode="datetime" @dayclick="dayclick" />
    <script setup>
    import { ref, nextTick } from "vue";
    import "v-calendar/dist/style.css";
    // Initialize date as null by default
    const date = ref(null);
    const dayclick = async (day) => {
      await nextTick();
      const selectedDate = new Date(;
      selectedDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
      date.value = selectedDate;

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