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Summing up filtered html columns takes to much time, how to speed it up?

With my very basic "knowledge" in javascript I have written the following generic function to sum up filtered columns (i.e. the content of the visible <td> elements of a filtered column). The unfiltered table has about 2000 lines and 55 columns. The function has the following parameters:

  • tabID: is the ID of the table

  • colNum: selects the number of the column to be filtered and summed up

  • colS: is the ID of the column

  • rec: just indicates if the sum needs to be converted e.g. from kWh to GWh (than rec would be 1'000'000)

The function is executed as soon as selection via dropdown in the html-table is made (on change).

The problem is that it takes to much time (about 1-2 mins) until I get the result. Is there a solution (which I can understand) that performs quicker?

As the page itself as the table are created dynamically I can only provide screenshots. Hope that helps for better understanding?

screenshot 1, screenshot 2, screenshot 3

function htmlTableColSum(tabID, colNum, colS, rec) {
  var table = document.getElementById("" + tabID + "");
  var sumCol = 0;
  let count = $('#' + tabID + ' tbody tr').length;

  for (var i = 1; i < count - 1; i++) {
    if ($('#' + tabID + ' tbody tr:eq(' + i + ')').is(':visible')) {
      if (table.rows[i].cells[colNum].innerHTML !== "") {
        sumCol = sumCol + parseInt(table.rows[i].cells[colNum].innerHTML);
  sumCol = sumCol / rec;
  if (rec > 1) {
    sumCol = sumCol.toFixed(2)
  document.getElementById("" + colS + "").innerHTML = "" + sumCol;


  • You could try the following. Same principal just some code performance changes

    function htmlTableColSum(tabID, colNum, colS, rec) {
      var sumCol = 0;
      var visibleRows = $('#' + tabID + ' tbody tr:visible');
      var count = visibleRows.length;
      visibleRows.each(function(i, row) {
        var cellValue = row.cells[colNum].innerHTML;
        if (cellValue !== "") {
          sumCol += parseInt(cellValue);
      sumCol /= rec;
      if (rec > 1) {
        sumCol = sumCol.toFixed(2);
      document.getElementById(colS).innerHTML = sumCol;

    That being said there is no way for me to physically test this without some sort of mock data set to populate the DOM to do any tests.