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JSON parsing to multiple POJOs collection

I need to somehow convert a single json string into multiple objects of a particular type using GSON.

I have the format of a single json string (below contains 2 but there may be 100s)

{domain : name1, geo: us} {domain : name2, country : uk}

Now I want to convert the above into my pojo instances that map to each part of the string. Suppose the POJO is called Website. Then I need to split up the json string to 2 Website objects.

I was thinking of splitting the json string using a tokenizer of some sort and then applying some json logic on each part. I'm assuming I would have to do this before applying any json to pojo conversion?

I cant seem to find a way to do this. Please advise.

thanks so much


  • To deserialize json to a java pojo, try json-lib, This is a good solution. Although I would use flexjson for serialization.

    String json = "{bool:true,integer:1,string:\"json\"}";  
    JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject( json );  
    BeanA bean = (BeanA) JSONObject.toBean( jsonObject, BeanA.class );  

    where BeanA is your POJO.

    If you have muliple objects, like you showed in your example then do the following

    String json = "{'data':[{'name':'Wallace'},{'name':'Grommit'}]}";
    JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) net.sf.json.JSONSerializer.toJSON(json);
    for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) {
       JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonArray.get(i);
       BeanA bean = (BeanA) JSONObject.toBean( jsonObject, BeanA.class );
       //do whatever you want with each object