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Recursively sum child's nominal to parent, on dynamic level parent-child structure

I have data that looks like this

I am trying to sum the Nominal column to each respective parent, so it will looks like this

I provided the SQL script for the data :

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Account](
    [AccountSeq] [bigint]  NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    [ParentAccountSeq] [bigint] NULL,
    [AccountCode] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [AccountName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [Nominal] [decimal](18, 2) NOT NULL

INSERT [dbo].[Account] ([AccountSeq], [ParentAccountSeq], [AccountCode], [AccountName], [Nominal]) 
    (1, NULL, N'101', N'AKTIVA LANCAR', CAST(0.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
    ,(2, 1, N'10101', N'KAS', CAST(0.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
    ,(3, 2, N'1010101', N'KAS KECIL (IDR)', CAST(10000.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
    ,(4, 2, N'1010102', N'KAS KECIL ($$$)', CAST(15000.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
    ,(5, 1, N'10102', N'BANK', CAST(0.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
    ,(6, 5, N'1010201', N'BCA PKU AC: 220.391', CAST(20000.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
    ,(7, 5, N'1010202', N'BCA PKU AC: 220.279', CAST(25000.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
    ,(8, 1, N'10104', N'PIUTANG USAHA', CAST(30000.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
    ,(10, 1, N'10105', N'PIUTANG PROYEK', CAST(40000.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
    ,(11, NULL, N'201', N'HUTANG JANGKA PENDEK', CAST(50000.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
    ,(12, NULL, N'301', N'MODAL', CAST(60000.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))

The last SQL query I tried:

WITH cteTest AS (
    CAST(Nominal AS DECIMAL(18,2)) AS Nominal
    ParentAccountSeq IS NULL


    CAST((a.Nominal + cte.Nominal) AS DECIMAL(18,2)) AS Nominal
    [Account] a
    INNER JOIN [cteTest] cte ON cte.AccountSeq = a.ParentAccountSeq

Please can anyone help me to solve this?


  • For this task we can collect all children for every account and then sum nominals to parent account.

    1. Anchor part of recursive query.
      We take all accounts from table as root.

    2. Recursive part. Recursive collect children's (thru link to parent), children's of children and so on. Column rootAccount is the same for all children on every branch of the tree.
      Output of recursive query below.

    3. Aggregate nominal by rootAccount.

    Here lvl and accs columns - for debug and clarity. See example

    Your source data

    AccountSeq ParentAccountSeq AccountCode AccountName Nominal
    1 null 101 AKTIVA LANCAR 0.00
    2 1 10101 KAS 0.00
    3 2 1010101 KAS KECIL (IDR) 10000.00
    4 2 1010102 KAS KECIL ($$$) 15000.00
    5 1 10102 BANK 0.00
    6 5 1010201 BCA PKU AC: 220.391 20000.00
    7 5 1010202 BCA PKU AC: 220.279 25000.00
    8 1 10104 PIUTANG USAHA 30000.00
    10 1 10105 PIUTANG PROYEK 40000.00
    11 null 201 HUTANG JANGKA PENDEK 50000.00
    12 null 301 MODAL 60000.00

    Recursive query

    with r as(
      select 0 lvl,AccountSeq rootAccount,AccountSeq incAccount,Nominal
      from tAccount
      union all
      select lvl+1 lvl,r.rootAccount,t.AccountSeq incAccount,t.Nominal
      from r inner join tAccount t on t.ParentAccountSeq=r.incAccount
    select a.*,t.sumNominal,accs
    from tAccount a
    left join(
       select rootAccount,sum(nominal)sumNominal
         ,string_agg(cast(incAccount as varchar),',') accs
       from r
       group by rootAccount
      ) t on a.AccountSeq=t.rootAccount
    AccountSeq ParentAccountSeq AccountCode AccountName Nominal sumNominal accs
    1 null 101 AKTIVA LANCAR 0.00 140000.00 1,2,5,8,10,6,7,3,4
    2 1 10101 KAS 0.00 25000.00 2,3,4
    3 2 1010101 KAS KECIL (IDR) 10000.00 10000.00 3
    4 2 1010102 KAS KECIL ($$$) 15000.00 15000.00 4
    5 1 10102 BANK 0.00 45000.00 5,6,7
    6 5 1010201 BCA PKU AC: 220.391 20000.00 20000.00 6
    7 5 1010202 BCA PKU AC: 220.279 25000.00 25000.00 7
    8 1 10104 PIUTANG USAHA 30000.00 30000.00 8
    10 1 10105 PIUTANG PROYEK 40000.00 40000.00 10
    11 null 201 HUTANG JANGKA PENDEK 50000.00 50000.00 11
    12 null 301 MODAL 60000.00 60000.00 12

    Recursive query output before aggregate

    with r as(
      select 0 lvl,AccountSeq rootAccount,AccountSeq incAccount,Nominal
        ,cast(AccountSeq as varchar(100)) path
      from tAccount
      union all
      select lvl+1 lvl,r.rootAccount,t.AccountSeq incAccount,t.Nominal
        ,cast(concat(path,',',cast(t.AccountSeq as varchar(100)))as varchar(100)) path
      from r inner join tAccount t on t.ParentAccountSeq=r.incAccount
    select * from r order by rootAccount,lvl;
    lvl rootAccount incAccount Nominal path AccountName
    0 1 1 0.00 1 AKTIVA LANCAR
    1 1 2 0.00 1,2 KAS
    1 1 5 0.00 1,5 BANK
    1 1 8 30000.00 1,8 PIUTANG USAHA
    1 1 10 40000.00 1,10 PIUTANG PROYEK
    2 1 6 20000.00 1,5,6 BCA PKU AC: 220.391
    2 1 7 25000.00 1,5,7 BCA PKU AC: 220.279
    2 1 3 10000.00 1,2,3 KAS KECIL (IDR)
    2 1 4 15000.00 1,2,4 KAS KECIL ($$$)
    0 2 2 0.00 2 KAS
    1 2 3 10000.00 2,3 KAS KECIL (IDR)
    1 2 4 15000.00 2,4 KAS KECIL ($$$)
    0 3 3 10000.00 3 KAS KECIL (IDR)
    0 4 4 15000.00 4 KAS KECIL ($$$)
    0 5 5 0.00 5 BANK
    1 5 6 20000.00 5,6 BCA PKU AC: 220.391
    1 5 7 25000.00 5,7 BCA PKU AC: 220.279
    0 6 6 20000.00 6 BCA PKU AC: 220.391
    0 7 7 25000.00 7 BCA PKU AC: 220.279
    0 8 8 30000.00 8 PIUTANG USAHA
    0 10 10 40000.00 10 PIUTANG PROYEK
    0 11 11 50000.00 11 HUTANG JANGKA PENDEK
    0 12 12 60000.00 12 MODAL
