Search code examples

Working of useSearchDebounce custom react hook

I found this code from this answer

How does it work?

export function useSearchDebounce(delay = 350) {
  const [search, setSearch] = useState(null);
  const [searchQuery, setSearchQuery] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    const delayFn = setTimeout(() => {
        console.log("setTimeout called");
    }, delay);

    return () => clearTimeout(delayFn);
  }, [searchQuery, delay]);

  return [search, setSearchQuery];

Usage :

const [search, setSearch] = useSearchDebounce();

<input onChange={(e) => setSearch(}/>

If we assume user types "abc" together in the input field with delay set to 5000,

At first, searchQuery will be "a" , it will setTimeout() to run after 5 secs,

Then searchQuery will be "ab" , it will again setTimeout() to run after 5 secs,

Then searchQuery will be "abc" , it will again setTimeout() to run after 5 secs

But when I tested console.log() executed just once, Why didn't setTimeout() execute 3 times ?

Am I misunderstanding something ?

I don't understand the code


  • But when I tested console.log() executed just once, Why didn't setTimeout() execute 3 times ?

    Because every time one of your dependencies change (ie: searchQuery or delay), the cleanup function is first ran clearing the previous timeout that had been scheduled, then it runs your useEffect callback to schedule a new timeout.

    So the behaviour you're missing is that the previous timeout is cleared when the user types "abc":

    • searchQuery will be "a" , clear previous timeout (if one exists, one technically gets scheduled onmount), and schedule a new setTimeout() to run after 5 secs
    • searchQuery will be "ab" , clear previous timeout (so that never executes its callback now), and schedule a new setTimeout() to run after 5 secs
    • searchQuery will be "abc" , clear previous timeout (so that never executes its callback now), and schedule a new setTimeout() to run after 5 secs

    Timeout completes as nothing clears it and you see the setTimeout called log.