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How to Automatically Recalculate a Production Plan in Excel Based on Daily Output Changes?

[This is a plan i made]
enter image description here

I use this table to plan the production of threads for rugs. Each time I get a new order for a color, I introduce it manually and calculate the daily quotas by hand. The problem arises when we do not meet the planned output for a certain shift or day (e.g., instead of 1000kg, we made 800kg). This means I have to recalculate most of the plan, which is very time-consuming.

Details of the Plan:

Each machine in each step has a daily or shift limit. Machines like "Assembly," "Rewinding," "Spinning," "Flotor," and "Volkmann" combined can handle 1000kg per shift. "Dying" can only happen during the day shift. We always test every new color by making 550kg first. "Drying" is more efficient when drying all of one color before another, to save cleaning time. The calculation of the plan starts with the order amount of wool in the first row named "Order". We start "Calibrating" the wool at maximum capacity and efficiency(650kg). Once we have enough wool for testing a new color and a full dying batch (e.g., 550kg + 3000kg), we test the color and then dye the full batch the next working day. The drying process follows, ensuring all of one color is dried before starting another. The process continues similarly through other steps until "Thermotreatment," where different colors can be processed together up to 2000kg. The Goal:

I want to automate the recalculations so that if I change the value in one cell, the rest of the values adjust accordingly based on the initial plan.

Please ask for any clarifications, and I'll be extremely thankful for any help!

I tried an algorithm using the logic: if the sum of the cells of a certain color changes, add the change to the next available cell that != maximum amount of kg per shift. If cell == with maximum then add another one, but i can't seem to get how i should shift the values from other cells, and the efficency of the algorithm is questionable, thus i come here for help.

15-Jul 16-Jul 17-Jul 18-Jul 19-Jul 20-Jul 21-Jul 22-Jul 23-Jul 24-Jul 25-Jul 26-Jul 27-Jul 28-Jul 01-Jul 02-Jul 03-Jul 04-Jul 05-Jul 06-Jul 07-Jul
day night day night day night day night day night day night day night day night day night day night day day day day day day day day day day day
Order 14,285
Calibration 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 250
Dying 550 2450 550 2000 1000 1900 1550
Drying 1200 1200 1200 1200 200 1200 1050 350
Laminate 3/4 (2%) 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 1000 1000
Flotor(2%) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 802
Spinning(3%) 1000 1000 1000 657.9 1000 1000
Rewinding(2%) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 564.7
Assembly(2%) 1000 1000 519.1 1000 1000
Volkmann1(2%) 650 650 650 650 214.3
Volkmann2(2%) 350 350 350 350 214.3
Delivery 4429 4429


  • This is what I came up with:
    *I decided to use screenshots for this, because the colors are integral for the functioning of code.

    What it does

    original table

    Now, say on 24.7., both day and night shift of "spinning" only made 100 kg of wool. When I change the values and update the table, this is what the macro produces:

    updated table

    I am not entirely sure if this is desired behavior since you haven't produced an example of an output. Let me know if you need it to behave differently

    How to use it

    Copy this code into a new VBA module:

    Function changeValue(ByVal target As Range, newValue As Double)
        If target.Row < 8 Or target.Row > 16 Then Exit Function
        Dim oldValue As Double
        oldValue = target.Value
        Dim limitArr As Variant, limit As Double
        limitArr = Array(1200, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 650, 350, 2000)
        limit = limitArr(target.Row - 8)
        Dim availWool As Double, totalWool As Double, dif As Double
        availWool = availableWool(target)
        totalWool = totalWoolOnRow(target)
        If newValue > availWool Or newValue > limit Then
            MsgBox "You only have " & availWool & " kg of wool available at this point" & vbCrLf & _
            "Also, the limit for this machine is set to: " & limit & " kg" & vbCrLf & _
            "The value will be reset back"
            target.Value = oldValue
            Exit Function
        End If
        Dim lwor As Range, newCell As Range
        Set lwor = lastWoolOnRow(target)
        Set newCell = nextNonWeekendCell(Cells(lwor.Row, lwor.Column + 1), 1)
        dif = newValue - oldValue
        If lwor = target Then
            If newValue < oldValue Then
                shift newCell, 1
                newCell.Value = -dif
                lwor.Value = newValue
                newCell.Interior.Color = target.Interior.Color
                Exit Function
                MsgBox "It is not possible to increase amount of wool on the last day."
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
        If lwor.Value - dif > limit Then
            shift newCell, 1
            newCell.Value = lwor.Value - dif - limit
            lwor.Value = limit
            newCell.Interior.Color = target.Interior.Color
            target.Value = newValue
            Exit Function
        End If
        Dim lw As Double
        lw = lwor.Value - dif
        If lw <= 0 Then
            shift nextNonWeekendCell(Cells(lwor.Row, lwor.Column + 1), 1), -1
            nextNonWeekendCell(Cells(lwor.Row, lwor.Column - 1), -1).Value = nextNonWeekendCell(Cells(lwor.Row, lwor.Column - 1), -1).Value + lw
            target.Value = newValue
            Exit Function
        End If
        lwor.Value = lwor.Value - dif
        target.Value = newValue
    End Function
    Function shift(ByVal start As Range, ByVal shiftVal As Integer)
        Dim vals As Collection, currentCell As Range, startColor As Long
        startColor = start.Interior.Color
        Set vals = New Collection
        For i = start.Column To 78
            Set currentCell = Cells(start.Row, i)
            If currentCell.Interior.Color = startColor Then
                vals.Add currentCell.Value
            End If
        Next i
        Dim counter As Integer, weekendColor As Long
        weekendColor = 65535
        Set currentCell = nextNonWeekendCell(Cells(start.Row, start.Column + shiftVal), shiftVal)
        For Each v In vals
            currentCell.Value = v
            currentCell.Interior.Color = startColor
            Set currentCell = nextNonWeekendCell(Cells(currentCell.Row, currentCell.Column + 1), 1)
        Next v
    End Function
    Function availableWool(ByVal start As Range) As Double
        Dim currentCell As Range, currentCellMinus As Range
        For i = 2 To start.Column
            Set currentCell = Cells(start.Row - 1, i)
            Set currentCellMinus = Cells(start.Row, i)
            If currentCell.Interior.Color = start.Interior.Color Then
                availableWool = availableWool + currentCell.Value
            End If
            If currentCellMinus.Interior.Color = start.Interior.Color And i <> start.Column Then
                availableWool = availableWool - currentCellMinus
            End If
        Next i
    End Function
    Function totalWoolOnRow(ByVal start As Range) As Double
        Dim currentCell As Range
        For i = 1 To 78
            Set currentCell = Cells(start.Row, i)
            If currentCell.Interior.Color = start.Interior.Color Then
                totalWoolOnRow = totalWoolOnRow + currentCell.Value
            End If
        Next i
    End Function
    Function lastWoolOnRow(ByVal start As Range) As Range
        Dim currentRange As Range
        Set currentRange = Cells(start.Row, start.Column + 1)
        For i = start.Column To 78
            Set currentRange = Cells(start.Row, i)
            If currentRange.Interior.Color = start.Interior.Color Then
                Set lastWoolOnRow = Cells(start.Row, currentRange.Column)
            End If
        Next i
    End Function
    Function nextNonWeekendCell(ByVal start As Range, direction As Integer) As Range
        Dim counter As Integer, weekendColor As Long
        weekendColor = 65535
        Set currentCell = Cells(start.Row, start.Column)
        While currentCell.Interior.Color = weekendColor
            Set currentCell = Cells(currentCell.Row, currentCell.Column + direction)
        Set nextNonWeekendCell = currentCell
    End Function
    Sub validate()
        Dim availWool As Double, currentValue As Integer
        For i = 8 To 16
            For j = 2 To 78
                If Cells(i, j).Interior.Color <> 16777215 Then
                    currentValue = Cells(i, j).Value
                    availWool = availableWool(Cells(i, j))
                    If currentValue > availWool Then
                        changeValue Cells(i, j), availWool
                    End If
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
    End Sub
    Sub chVSub()
        changeValue Selection, InputBox("enter new value")
    End Sub

    Select one cell only, run "chVSub" and enter a new value for the selected cell. The whole plan will be recalculated automatically

    important notes

    If the plan looks in any way different than what you showed, the code will almost definitely crash or destroy the plan completely. Because of this, I recommend always making a backup of the plan before using the macro.

    Weekends must be marked yellow and it must be the yellow from the "standard colors" section of the color picker (rgb value 65535).

    That's all I can think of now. I will put more in here if I find something.