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Find the id of the div using onMouseOver event object

I wrote the below code to capture the id for the div, when the user hovers over the div.

<div className="part-3" id="graph-1" onMouseEnter={handleHover}> 
  <h3 className="chartHeader">Avg. marks per subject </h3>

My handleHover function looks as below -

    const handleHover = (event) => {
      console.dir("event = " + Object.keys(event));

I was expecting that the target key will contain id for the div. But, it only consists of 2 private keys.

Output - event = __reactFiber$593cb2h2ba,__reactProps$593cb2h2ba

How can I capture the id = graph-1 using onMouseEnter action ?


  • you can use In case you wondering whether to use currentTarget or target, the current target will catch the parent <div> regardless you hover over its children. Target will catch the children if you hover over the children.

    function App(){
      const handleHover = (event) => {
          const { id } = event.currentTarget
      return (
        <div className="part-3" id="graph-1" onMouseEnter={handleHover}> 
          <h3 className="chartHeader">Avg. marks per subject </h3>
    ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("app"));
    <script crossorigin src=""></script>
    <script crossorigin src=""></script>
    <div id="app"></div>