I want to add a new class for a background-color. Thus, I followed this step of Bootstrap documentation and I wrote that:
@import "./BOOTSTRAP-CSS/scss/functions";
@import "./BOOTSTRAP-CSS/scss/variables";
@import "./BOOTSTRAP-CSS/scss/variables-dark";
@import "./BOOTSTRAP-CSS/scss/maps";
@import "./BOOTSTRAP-CSS/scss/mixins";
@import "./BOOTSTRAP-CSS/scss/utilities";
$third: #226C77;
$utilities: map-merge(
"bg-third": (
property: background-color,
class: bg-third,
values: $third
@import "./BOOTSTRAP-CSS/scss/bootstrap.scss";
@import "bootstrap/scss/utilities/api";
And I have this error.
Error: Expected identifier.
┌──> static\CUSTOM\SCSS\BOOTSTRAP-CSS\scss\mixins\_utilities.scss
67│ .#{$property-class + $infix + $property-class-modifier} {
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1 │ .bg-third-#226C77
│ ━ error in interpolated output
static\CUSTOM\SCSS\BOOTSTRAP-CSS\scss\mixins\_utilities.scss 67:12 generate-utility()
static\CUSTOM\SCSS\BOOTSTRAP-CSS\scss\utilities\_api.scss 13:9 @content
static\CUSTOM\SCSS\BOOTSTRAP-CSS\scss\mixins\_breakpoints.scss 68:5 media-breakpoint-up()
static\CUSTOM\SCSS\BOOTSTRAP-CSS\scss\utilities\_api.scss 5:3 @import
static\CUSTOM\SCSS\BOOTSTRAP-CSS\scss\bootstrap.scss 51:9 @import
static\CUSTOM\SCSS\_new_utilities.scss 20:9 @import
static\CUSTOM\SCSS\custom.scss 7:9 root stylesheet
I tried to move all imports to the bottom of the file but no changes.
How to solve this error ?
As per docs, the list of values is prepended to the class name, so in your case producing:
which is not valid.
So, you can either use map, where you can use null
as key, to prevent prepending:
values: (null:$third)
which will produce:
.bg-third { ... }
or you can add some key:
values: (teal:$third)
.bg-third-teal { ... }
full code using null
@import "./BOOTSTRAP-CSS/scss/functions";
@import "./BOOTSTRAP-CSS/scss/variables";
@import "./BOOTSTRAP-CSS/scss/variables-dark";
@import "./BOOTSTRAP-CSS/scss/maps";
@import "./BOOTSTRAP-CSS/scss/mixins";
@import "./BOOTSTRAP-CSS/scss/utilities";
$third: #226C77;
$utilities: map-merge(
"bg-third": (
property: background-color,
class: bg-third,
values: (null:$third)
@import "./BOOTSTRAP-CSS/scss/bootstrap.scss";
@import "bootstrap/scss/utilities/api";
.bg-third{background-color:#226c77 !important}