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index.php not found in url of cloned Magento Site on Development server?

I have cloned a live Magento site to my development server (windows wamp)

the development server does not have an .htaccess file in the roor directory but i have copied one into my root directory from another magento install?

Every thing seems to be configure ok the database is connected ok, I have set up alias which loads the index.php page ok but the url's do not work , so if i click on the contact us page the server error is:

The requested URL /vhosts/petextra/magento/index.php was not found on this server.

The adress bar url for the same is:

If I manualy type in the index.php in the address bar` 

then the page loads ok.

Some how the url is not including the index.php?

Has anybody got any ideas why this is happening?


  • ensure that:

    • mod_rewrite is enabled on your dev site
    • .htaccess is in place
    • .htaccess file > RewriteEngine off
    • or turn off url rewriting from magento admin configuration>web> Search Engines Optimization > Use Web Server Rewrites > No